Libris Britannia 4
science library(b).zip
science library(b)
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Text File
5,106 lines
000000 9999999
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00000000 ,,, 999 999
000000 ,,, 9999999
Table of Contents
Subject Page
General Information......................................... 2
Important Information....................................... 2
Overview............................................. 2
Parameters........................................... 2
Returnvalues......................................... 2
Examples............................................. 2
META Functions....................................... 2
Calling conventions.................................. 2
Copyright Information....................................... 2
Concept.............................................. 2
Blinker Link Script and Information......................... 2
Functions ............................................... 2
Array functions...................................... 2
ArBigArrElem()................................. 2
ArBldArr()..................................... 2
ARCOUNT()...................................... 2
AREVENOUT().................................... 2
ARMAX()........................................ 2
ARMAXPOS()..................................... 2
ARMIN()........................................ 2
ARMINPOS()..................................... 2
ARSHRINKARRAY()................................ 2
ARSMLARRELEM()................................. 2
ARSUM()........................................ 2
Box functions........................................ 2
BXBOX()........................................ 2
BXMAKEBOX().................................... 2
BXPUSHBUTTON()................................. 2
BXSCROLL()..................................... 2
BXUNBOX()...................................... 2
Database functions................................... 2
DBBIGFIELD()................................... 2
DBCONWORD().................................... 2
DBDELREC()..................................... 2
DBEXPDATA().................................... 2
DBFLDEXIST()................................... 2
DBFLDSUM()..................................... 2
DBIMPDATA().................................... 2
DBINUSE()...................................... 2
DBISDBF()...................................... 2
DBISMEMO()..................................... 2
DBJUMP()....................................... 2
Table of Contents Continued...
Subject Page
Functions continued...
Database Functions continued...
DBLOOKFOR().................................... 3
DBSELDBVAL()................................... 3
DBSHRINKFILE()................................. 3
DBTBLVIEW().................................... 3
DBZAPDB()...................................... 3
Date functions....................................... 3
DTBEGEND()..................................... 3
DTBOM()........................................ 3
DTBOY()........................................ 3
DTCHKDTEFMT().................................. 3
DTDATEADD().................................... 3
DTDAYSIN()..................................... 3
DTDIFF()....................................... 3
DTDINM()....................................... 3
DTDOY()........................................ 3
DTDTOF()....................................... 3
DTDTOW()....................................... 3
DTSETDATE().................................... 3
DTWOY()........................................ 3
File functions....................................... 3
FIASKFILENAME()................................ 3
FIBLDDBF()..................................... 3
FIINFO()....................................... 3
FIKEEPVAR().................................... 3
FIMAKEUNIQUE()................................. 3
FITEMPCLEAN().................................. 3
FIVARGET()..................................... 3
Graphics functions................................... 3
GRBOX()........................................ 3
GRINIT()....................................... 3
GRLINE()....................................... 3
GRPTREAD()..................................... 3
GRPTWRITE().................................... 3
META functions....................................... 3
MFCOLORPICK().................................. 3
MFDATAENTRY().................................. 3
MFDBTOOLS().................................... 3
MFMAKEEXPR()................................... 3
MFPICKCOLOR().................................. 3
MFSELFILE().................................... 3
MFSETCOLOR()................................... 3
Table of Contents Continued...
Subject Page
Functions continued...
Menu functions....................................... 4
MNABORT()...................................... 4
MNALERT()...................................... 4
MNCHOICE()..................................... 4
MNFIELDS()..................................... 4
MNINFO()....................................... 4
MNMENU()....................................... 4
MNMESSYN()..................................... 4
MNMSG()........................................ 4
MNPULLDN()..................................... 4
MNTAKEFIELD().................................. 4
Math functions....................................... 4
MTARAVERAGE().................................. 4
MTARSUM()...................................... 4
MTDBAVERAGE().................................. 4
MTDBFLDSUM()................................... 4
MTDEC2HEX().................................... 4
MTHEX2DEC().................................... 4
Index functions...................................... 4
NXDBSEEK()..................................... 4
NXINDEXKEY()................................... 4
NXISVALID().................................... 4
NXSCAN()....................................... 4
NXSELECT()..................................... 4
Print functions...................................... 4
PROUTPUT()..................................... 4
String functions..................................... 4
STARRANGE().................................... 4
STBEGINSWITH()................................. 4
STCENTER()..................................... 4
STCHRINSTR()................................... 4
STCRUNCH()..................................... 4
STCUTLEFT().................................... 4
STCUTRIGHT()................................... 4
STENDSWITH()................................... 4
STLPAD()....................................... 4
STLSHIFT()..................................... 4
STRPAD()....................................... 4
STRSHIFT()..................................... 4
Table of Contents Continued...
Subject Page
Functions continued...
System functions..................................... 5
SYCHDIR()............................................ 5
SYCHDRIVE().......................................... 5
SYCOLDBOOT()......................................... 5
SYCURDRV()........................................... 5
SYDRIVE()............................................ 5
SYDRIVES()........................................... 5
SYDRVEFREE()......................................... 5
SYDRVETTL().......................................... 5
SYDRVROK()........................................... 5
SYDRVWOK()........................................... 5
SYMKDIR()............................................ 5
SYRMDIR()............................................ 5
Other functions...................................... 5
UTBELLATTN()......................................... 5
UTBELLDONE()......................................... 5
UTBELLERROR()........................................ 5
UTBELLUDF().......................................... 5
UTBITSET()........................................... 5
UTBYTEAND().......................................... 5
UTBYTEOR()........................................... 5
UTCHKCURSTYPE()...................................... 5
UTCOLCONVERT()....................................... 5
UTCTRLW()............................................ 5
UTDRIVES()........................................... 5
UTEDPIC()............................................ 5
UTENHANCED()......................................... 5
UTERRFUNCTION()...................................... 5
UTEXPRISTRUE()....................................... 5
UTGETCURSTYPE()...................................... 5
UTINIT()............................................. 5
UTISBIT()............................................ 5
UTKEEPVAR().......................................... 5
UTPROFILE().......................................... 5
UTSAVEKEY().......................................... 5
UTSTANDARD()......................................... 5
UTUNSELECTED()....................................... 5
Table of Contents Continued...
Subject Page
Functions continued...
Video functions...................................... 6
VIATT()........................................ 6
VICLS()........................................ 6
VICOLGRID().................................... 6
VIFADE()....................................... 6
VIGETMODE().................................... 6
VIISCGA()...................................... 6
VIISEGA()...................................... 6
VIISHERC()..................................... 6
VIISMCGA()..................................... 6
VIISMDA()...................................... 6
VIISVGA()...................................... 6
VIPRNT()....................................... 6
VISETMODE().................................... 6
VISLIDEOFF()................................... 6
If You want to use ANY of the VERTEX Library functions, make sure
You have called first of all the UTINIT() function to initialize
important global variables. Not doing so may result in
crashing Your program at any time.
If You use BLINKER have a look first of all at the sample LINK
script provided. It explains in some details what You have to
look for in properly linking the lot.
Since quite some functions are written in C or Assembler it is
necessary to put the CCALL object into the ROOT should You decide
to OVERLAY the Library. It also speeds up the program.
C functions are marked with Ω
Assembler functions are marked Σ
CLIPPER functions are not marked
All functions listet are written in CLIPPER 5.01 and compiled with
the latest CLIPPER compiler unless otherwise stated. Some CLIPPER
functions call C- or Assembler functions. The functions are
called with or without parameters as required.
To identify the type of parameters they are classed in different
expressions of which the following list applies:
<expCn> an expression made up of any valid characters
<expLn> an expression of a logical value either .T. or .F.
<expNn> an expression of a number being of type either FLOAT or
<expAn> an expression of an array of any type
<expDn> an expression of a date
<expOn> an expression of an object
where in all cases the lower case "n" identifies the n-th number
of the relevant expression passed.
All parameter Idenifyers are enclosed in brackets. They may be <>,
[] or () and can appear on their own or combined with each other.
These symbols mean:
< ... > MUST be passed
[< ... >] OPTIONAL, does not need to be passed
The parameters my be divided by means of a comma (,) or a vertical
line (|) which mean:
, seperator of parameter, next to follow
| seperator of two or more possible parameters
All functions returns something unless clearly identified as
returning NIL or nothing.
As far as I could, I included some examples with each function
description. They should give You some idea as to what You
could/should do with them and how to call them.
META functions:
Several times, the term META functions is being used within
this Library. A META function is a complete data processing- and
manipulation function made up of several other functions of this
Library, ready to be used and to be linked into programs. The use
of these META functions enables one to create very quickly
complex programs without the need for long development times
Calling conventions:
All functions have a 2 character prefix identifying the group into
which the function falls:
Prefix Group
AR Array manipulation- and creation
BX Box manipulation- and creation
DB Data manipulation- and creation
DT Date manipulation
FI File modifications
GR Graphics functions
MF General VERTEX META functions
MN Menus and Dialog-boxes popup
MT Math Functions
NX Index manipulation
PR Printer functions
ST String manipulation
SY low level System functions
UT General Utilities
VI General Video functions
XX internal VERTEX Library functions
IMPORTANT: Do not use the functions prefexed XX.....
directly. They are powerfull C- and
Assemblerfunctions and should ONLY be called by
VERTEX functions.
This Library VERTEX is Copyright (c) 1991-92 by the Author W.A.
Steinert, as well as all other accompanying documents and sample
programs unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Following concept applies to this package:
1. You may use, copy and distribute this package freely
however You may NOT remove the Copyright Notice at the
beginning of the program. You MUST mention the use of this
Library in Your program and the associated documents.
2. You are encouraged to register this LIBRARY by sending a
letter stating this wish to the author at following
W.A. Steinert VERTEX Enterprises
27 Dahlemstr.
8750 Aschaffenburg
West Germany
3. There is a small registration fee charged to private
users for this VERTEX-Library, currently
US $ 49.00. The user will receive a LIBRARY registered to
him which will NOT include the COPYRIGHT notice at the
4. The author will inform registered users about any updates
to the LIBRARY and will give them the opportunity to update
for a fee of US $ 10.00, covering the mailing and
packaging. Updates will be released about twice annually.
This policy is valid for PRIVATE USERS only. The first
update is free of charge for registered users.
5. Private, registerd users may order from the author for a
fee of US $ 10.00 ( mailing and packaging ), a registered
copy of the LIBRARY in following languages:
FRENCH (released by 01/93 )
ITALIAN ( released by 01/93 )
6. Commercial users, Government offices and Companies must
register the LIBRARY prior usage however they are granted
the right to use the LIBRARY for not more than 60 days free
of charge from the moment of receival of that LIBRARY. Any
further usage of programs which have been compiled using
this LIBRARY or the LIBRARY itself may continue only after
registration of the VERTEX LIBRARY. The registration fee
for NON-PRIVATE users is US $ 79.00.
7. NON-PRIVATE, NON-PROFIT Organisations are encouraged to
register their LIBRARY with the author as they will receive
a registered LIBRARY free of charge. They may use this
Library ONLY for usage associated directly with the
8. Programs compile by using a NON-REGISTERED VERTEX Library
may be sold without royalties however they MUST contain the
Copyright Notice UNLESS these programs have been compiled
9. The author shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental or consequential damages resulting or seemingly
result from the use, test or distribution of the Library
and/or the accompanying programs.
10. The use of this Library constitutes agreement to the
preceeding points as well as to the proposition that by
such You become bound to the terms of this agreement.
CLIPPER is a Trademark of NANTUCKET Corporation and Computer
Associates International Inc.
Turbo Assembler is a copyright by BORLAND INTL.
Microsoft C is a copyright by MICROSOFT Corp.
# Blinker 1.50 Sample Link file for Clipper 5.01 using VERTEX
# Library
# This sample script is intended to be used as a template for your
# own scripts
# This script is set up a a development script, that enables
# incremental linking, and overlays EXTEND.LIB from the Nantucket
# libraries. When incremental linking is enabled, applications
# will use somewhat more memory than normal, due to a certain
# amount of 'padding' being left at the end of each Clipper
# procedure, but this is offset by the extremely fast incremental
# link times.
# Before shipping a completed application, you should disable the
# incremental linking feature, which will save memory, and increase
# execution speed by:
# a) Enabling the 5.01 Clipper paging system
# b) Remove the padding between procedures
# c) Turning on symbol table compression
# For final links - UN-COMMENT the following command:
# If You have troubles with Your application after linking it with
# Blinker (i.e. termiates with Memory faults ) try increasing the
# OPSIZE....
# Burn in your own Clipper variables here eg: F25;SWAPPATHC:\;
# Specify the EXE filename here:
# List your Clipper S'87 object modules here. The first FILE
# mentioned in any Blinker link script MUST be a Clipper code
# module. The first module may be overlaid if required.
# Uncomment if You want to use the profiler. Call the function
# UTPROFILE() as second function ( right after UTINIT() ) and run
# Your programming in profiling mode to find out where to put Your
# Modules.
# Uncomment the next lot to increase output speed of anything which
# has to do with GETS or Buttons.
# clippers own global maxcol and maxrow function.....
# Uncomment and list your 3rd party non overlayable object modules
#FILE <3rd party1>,<3rd party2>
#List the rest of your Clipper code files here.
#FILE <next Clipper file>
# .....
#UNCOMMENT and list your own Clipper code libraries here
#UNCOMMENT and list your overlayable 3rd party libraries here
#as well as the VERTEX Library
#Allocates the VERTEX US-Library
# ALLOCATE <3rd party>
# UNCOMMENT and list 3rd party non-overlayable libraries here:
# VERTEX Root Module has to be here.
#LIB <3rd party>
# If you want the 5.01 debugger UN-COMMENT the following:
# NOTE: The 5.01 debugger library MUST be specified as a FILE
# UNCOMMENT for dLESKO's FUNCky 1.5 library
# Call the distribution script to overlay EXTEND.LIB
# or substitute for LIB EXTEND.LIB
# Microsoft LLIBCA C 6.00 library comes last if needed.
I have tried to put some usefull array handling functions together
which might come handy for You.
All arrayfunctions are written entirely in CLIPPER 5.01 as most
other functions are and make full use of CLIPPERS new features
inclusive codeblocks.
Whereever possible I have included some examples in the
functiondescription so You have some idea how to use them.
Try them out, You can't break anything.
Function: ArBigArrElem( <expA> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Checks an array and returns the length of the
longest array-element. Useful for knowing the
longest element when used in conjunction with
arrays containing different types of elements or
when used in conjunction with ACHOICE() to
define correct display if the maximum width of the
box is not known.
Samples: lArray :={ "short",;
"little longer",;
"very long display string" }
llongest := ArBigArrElem( lArray )
ltop := 0
lleft := 0
lbottom := 10
lright := lleft + 1 + llongest
lChoice := ACHOICE( ltop, lleft, lbottom,;
lright, lArray )
Result: an ACHOICE box where all elements are visible in
their entire length.
Notes: Works on arrays of all types AND mixed types.
Trailing spaces in CHARACTER arrays are NOT
counted, leading spaces ARE counted. If the array
contains a codeblock, the function returns 0 as
codeblocks are not a selectable item in themselves
and should only be called via the EVAL()
Returns: length of the longest array element or 0 if Type
is other than C,N,L,D or M.
Function: ArBldArr( <expN1>, <expC1> ) --> array of strings
Synopsis: Builds an array from a delimited string
Fills an array with a colon delimited string of
the form "John:Willy:Ralph:Eddy". The colon [:] is
the delimiter.
The size of the array is set by the parameter
<expN1>. If the number of elements defined is less
than the actual amount of parameters in the colon
delimited string, only the amount of defined
elements are being created in the array and the
rest discarded.
<expN1> Number of elements
<expC1> Colon delimited string of elements
Example: lunch:= {}
lunch := ARBLDARR( 3,"Pizzas:Chickens:Burgers" )
Returns: Array containing the values passed
Function: ARCOUNT( <expA>, <expC> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Counts exact matches of TYPES in array.
<expA> Array to be searched.
<expC> value of any type to be searched for in
Examples: lFields := DBSTRUCT()
AEVAL( lFields, { | x | AADD( lFldTypes,;
x[ DBS_TYPE ] ) } )
lNbrOfChar := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, "C" )
&& counts C fields
lNbrOfNum := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, "N" )
&& counts N fields
lNbrOfDate := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, "D" )
&& counts D fields
lNbrOfLogic := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, "L" )
&& counts L fields
lNbrOfMemo := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, "M" )
&& counts M fields
lNbrOfMemo := ARCOUNT( lFldTypes, NIL )
&& counts NIL fields
Returns: number of matches found
0 if no matches found.
Function: AREVENOUT( <expA1>, <expN1> ) --> array
Synopsis: Expands array elements to even length.
<expA1> array to expand
<expN1> width to expand each element to
This function will expand each array element to a
given length. I have used it to achieve an even
pushbutton menu by expanding all elements to the
biggest in the array.
N.B. You may also shorten all elements to e
specified length.
Examples: oldarray := { "tiny",;
"much longer" }
newarray := AREVENOUT( oldarray, 15 )
##------ the new array looks like this ------ ##
"tiny "
"short "
"much longer "
All elements are now 15 characters long
Returns: the new array
Function: ArMax( <expA1>, [<expN1>, <expN2>] ) -->
Synopsis: Finds the largest number in a NUMERICAL array.
<expA1> a numerical array
<expN2>] optional starting and ending position
for search defaults to 1
and last
Examples: lNumbers := { 10,2789,1,0,9567 }
lLargest := ARMax( lNumbers ) && lLargest = 9567
lLargest := ARMax( lNumbers, 1, 4 )
&& lLargest = 2789
Notes: <expN1> must always be smaller than <expN2> and
mustn't be 0.
Returns: If <expN1> is less than 1 or larger than <expN2>,
the function will return NIL. Also if <expN1> is
less than 1 or <expN2> is larger than the array.
Otherwise returns the largest number.
Function: ARMAXPOS( <expA1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Finds the position of the greatest number within
an array.
<expA1> numeric array to search.
Examples: lArray := { 1, 2067, 1077, 10, 5987 }
lPos := ARMAXPOS( lArray )&& lPos will contain 5
Returns: an integer identifying the position of the
greatest number within the passed array returns 0
if an error occured.
Function: ArMin(<expA1>,[<expN1>,<expN2>]) --> integer|float|NIL
Synopsis: Finds the smallest number in a NUMERICAL array.
<expA1> a numerical array
<expN2>] optional starting and ending position
for search defaults to 1 and last
Examples: lNumbers := { 10,2789,1,0,9567 }
lSmallest := ARMin( lNumbers ) && lSmallest = 0
lSmallest := ARMin( lNumbers, 1, 3 )
&& lSmallest = 1
Notes: <expN1> must always be smaller than <expN2> and
mustn't be 0.
Returns: If <expN1> is less than 1 or larger than <expN2>,
the function will return NIL. Also if <expN1> is
less than 1 or <expN2> is larger than the array.
Otherwise returns the smallest number.
Function: ARMINPOS( <expA1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Finds the position of the smallest number within
an array.
<expA1> numeric array to search.
Examples: lArray := { 2, 2067, 1077, 10, 5987 }
lPos := ARMINPOS( lArray )&& lPos will contain 1
Returns: an integer identifying the position of the
smallest number within the passed array returns 0
if an error occured.
Function: ArShrinkArray( <expA>, <exp?> ) --> Array
Synopsis: This Function searches an array for a given
expression and deletes this expression of the
array, however leaving NO NIL elements in the
array where the found expression was, effectively
shrinking the array by the amount of found
<expA> a single dimension array
<exp?> an expression of any kind
Note: The passed expression <exp?> may NOT be an array
and the passed array <expA> may ONLY be a single
dimension array
i.e.: test := { 0,3,NIL,4 }
... returns an array containing { 3, NIL, 4 }
not like the CLIPPER Function ADEL() which
would leave the array at the same size with a
trailing NIL element.
Returns: an array without passed expression <exp?>
Function: ArSmlArrElem( <expA> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Checks an array and returns the length of the
smallest array-element. Useful for knowing the
shortest element when used in conjunction with
arrays containing different types of elements.
Samples: lArray := { "short",;
"little longer",;
"very long display string" }
lshortest := ArSmlArrElem( lArray )
Notes: Works on arrays of all types AND mixed types.
Trailing spaces in CHARACTER arrays are NOT
counted, leading spaces ARE counted. If the array
contains a codeblock, the function returns 0 as
codeblock are not a selectable item in themselves
and should only be called via the EVAL()
Returns: length of the shortest array element or 0 if Type
is other than C,N,L,D or M .
Function: ARSUM( <expA1> ) --> float
Synopsis: Sums all numeric elements of an array.
<expA1> numerical array to sum
Examples: lArray := { 10, 11, 1, 2 }
lTotal := ARSUM( lArray ) && lTotal contains 24
Returns: a float containing the sum of the array passed,
on Error NIL
The box functions in general make use of some very fast C and
Assembler functions which I have not listed at present ( there
is really no need for it ).
You should be able to make full use of them even without knowing
that there are any C or Assembler functions behind all this.
These C and Assembler functions are well behaved and can all be
overlayed ( at least I had no problems sofar ).
All box functions make use wherever possible of all TEXT modes of
Your video card. However I am unable to test the functions on
all cards available, so if there is a problem with a specific
card, let me know what card You have and what the problem is. I
try to include the fixup in the next releases. Remember,
licensing the Library will guarantee You a bug-fix before the
next release, free of charge!
All BX.... functions make heavy use of ROM BIOS function calls and
use the IBM character set to draw the boxes. If You decide to
switch Your Graphics card into GRAPHICS MODE remember that all
characters will be display exclusive OR'd (XOR) with the current
display contents. They make no use of the attributes You may pass.
Thats why the frame around boxes displayed in Graphics mode on an
empty black screen will have ALLWAYS black as background color.
I have been using BLINKER 1.51 for putting together the sample
programs and I think RTLINK or WARPLINK should be able to
handle them just as well.
Function: BXBOX(<expN1>..<expN4>,[<expN5>],[<expN6>],[<expN7>],
[<expN8>], [<expN9>] ) --> logical
Synopsis: Pops a Box on given coordinates
<expN1>..<expN4> Box coordinates on screen
[<expN5>] Boxtype as identified below...
[<expN6>] attribute of Box
[<expN7>] shadow position
[<expN8>] shadow foreground color
[<expN9>] shadow background color
[<expC1>] user defined character for boxframe
Boxtype definition for <expN5> being -1 to 15:
Box Type Bottom Right Top Left
-1 (----) - - - -
0 (0000) S S S S
1 (0001) S S S D
2 (0010) S S D S
3 (0011) S S D D
4 (0100) S D S S
5 (0101) S D S D
6 (0110) S D D S
7 (0111) S D D D
8 (1000) D S S S
9 (1001) D S S D
10 (1010) D S D S
11 (1011) D S D D
12 (1100) D D S S
13 (1101) D D S D
14 (1110) D D D S
15 (1111) D D D D
If a box type is chosen from this table, corner
characters will be automatically chosen to match
the sides.
-1 will allow user defineable box character to be
Notes: Works best in TEXT modes only as You are unable to
use attributes to display characters. As these
box drawing functions are done with characters,
they will use colors only.
Returns: .T. if successfully created, otherwise .F.
Function: BxPushButton( <expN1> .. <expN3>, <expA1>,
[<expL1>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Sets up a number of HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL
pushbuttons and waits for user input.
<expN1>..<expN2> row/column coordinates of
<expN3> button number to be used to start off
<expA1> array of strings defining the buttons.
[<expL1>] defines if buttons are displayed
horizontal (.T.) or vertical (.F.)
defaults to .T.
The function selects the first character of each
string defined in <expA1> as a shortcut key so
selection may be done either by using the first
character of each string or the cursor control
keys and ENTER. Colors used are in accord with the
current SETCOLOR() settings.
This function is a low level function and used by
all boxes which require user input. I have left it
out for use in other ways i.e. so you can create
your own boxes with user response.
Examples: lStart := 1
lChoices := { "YES","MAYBE","NO" }
lSelected := bxhpushbutton( 10, 20, lStart,lChoices )
CASE lSelected == 1 && yes
.... your code ...
CASE lSelected == 2 && maybe
CASE lSelected == 3 && no
Returns: an integer identifying the selected choice,
otherwise 0
Function: BXMAKEBOX( <expN1>..<expN4>,[expC],[expN5] )
--> string
Synopsis: Draws a shadow box on the screen at given
coordinates and saves the underlying screen area
as well as the current colorsettings.
<expN1>..<exp4> Screen coordinates of the box to
be drawn.
The coordinates DO NOT include the drop shadow.
These are automatically included, so make sure you
have enough space for them. The shadow is 1 extra
character position depending upon the placing of
the shadow.
<expC> an optional colorstring or color variable
for the popup box.
<expN5> an optional number defining the shadow
position. You can determine the Shadow
position on hand of the numeric keypad
on the Keyboard:
7 = top left
9 = top right
1 = bottom left
3 = bottom right
0 = no shadow
Examples: lScrSave := BXMAKEBOX(5,5,10,10)
* draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is as defined
* shadow position is based on C_SHADPOS.
lScrSave := BXMAKEBOX(5,5,10,10,C_POPCOL)
* draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is C_POPCOL.
* shadow position is based on C_SHADPOS.
lScrSave := BXMAKEBOX(5,5,10,10,C_POPCOL,9)
* draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is as defined
* by SETCOLOR() shadow position is 9 (upper right
* hand corner)
Notes: Do not use the CLIPPER Function RESTSCREEN()
to restore saved screenareas which are stored in
the string returned by the BXMAKEBOX() function.
Use the provided BXUNBOX() function instead.
If You use this function in Graphics mode,
remember that You can't use attributes to display
characters. In Graphics mode characters are
displayed with COLOR, not ATTRIBUTES.
Returns: a string containing the coordinates, colorsettings
and underlying screenarea.
Function: BXSCROLL( <expN1> .. <expN7> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Scroll area of given box-coordinates
<expN1> number of lines to scroll ( 0 clears
the area within the parameters
<expN3> to <expN6>.
<expN2> attribute to use for scroll
<expN3> .. <expN6> area coordinates to scroll
( top, left, bottom, right )
<expN7> direction to scroll ( 1 = up, 0 = down )
This function will scroll a given area within a
box either up or down using a given attribute. It
scrolls the area a number of lines.
Returns: .T. if successful, otherwise .F.
Function: BXUNBOX( <expC> )
Synopsis: Removes a box which was previously created by the
function BXMAKEBOX()
<expC> Saved screen string created by
Examples: lScrSave := BXMAKEBOX( top, left, bottom, right )
... your code ... && lScrSave contains the saved
&& screen
BXUNBOX( lScrSave )
Notes: Do not use with any other saved screen string than
the one created by the BXMAKEBOX() function.
Returns: Nothing
There are a lot of extra DB functions NANTUCKET did not supply so
I have tried to close the gap a little.
Some of the DB Functions should really be classed as META
functions ( where do You draw the line? ), but I left them here.
All DB Functions make extensive use of codeblocks so they should
be rather fast. Whereever I could I also made use of lots of
CLIPPERS Objects, especially the TBROWSE objects as You may
find in the DBTBLVIEW() function.
Function: DBBigField( <expC> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Checks a database and finds the length of the
longest field within that database.
<expC> the ALIAS or the NAME of the database to
This is a very useful funtion if you don't know
the length of the fields within a database and you
want to display the contents of a database on the
screen. Use this function to find out how long the
longest Field is.
Checks if the database is in use and searches it.
Opens the database if not in use in the next lower
unoccupied workarea and searches it.
Examples: lDbase := "MYDATA"
llongfield := DbBigField( lDbase )
Result: "llongfield" contains a numeric value specifying
the length of the longest field.
Returns: an integer specifying the length of the longest
field in the database ( this is NOT the length of
the fieldname )
Function: DbConWord( <expC>, <expL> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Function converts a CLIPPER or DBase File into a
MS-WORD Datafile, that is, it actually copies
the Data into a newly created MS-WORD Datafile.
Requires a database to be in use in the current
<expC> contains the Filename of the MS-WORD
Datafile to be createt.
<expL> logical expression denotes if erased
records are to be copied (.F.) or not (.T.).
Defaults to (.T.) ... that is - erased
records are NOT copied.
Returns: .T. if successfully transfered, .F. on error.
Function: DBDELREC( [<expC>], [<expN>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Pops up a dialog box to allow deletion or
recalling of the current record.
The prompt in the box depends upon the current
status of the record. If the record is currently
deleted, the prompts will be:
No Action
No Action
[<expC>] optional box colorstring defaults to
[<expN>] optional shadowposition defaults to
Examples: lWhatHappened := DBDELREC()
Returns: 1 if record was deleted
-1 if record was restored
0 if nothing happened
Function: DbExpData( [<expC>], [<expN1>], [<expN2>, <expN3>]
--> NIL
Synopsis: This function gives the user a choice of exporting
a set of data previously defined. The function
works on the current workarea and exports ALL
UNDELETED records found.
To export only part of the data, create a
temporary database and use the function on it.
[<expC>] optional box color string defaults to
[<expN1>] optional shadow defaults to C_SHADPOS
[<expN2>..<expN3>] optional top/left coordinates
of box defaults center.
Currently supported export formats are:
ASCII delimited
MS-WORD Datafile
others are in preperation.
During the operation a box is being presented
showing the progress by displaying the amount of
records still to be processed.
Note: a workarea and database must be in use before this
function is called.
Examples: USE EXPDB
- or -
DBEXPDATA( Color, Shadow, top, Left )
Returns: Nothing
Function: DBFLDEXIST( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if Field exist in Database.
The function will check if a given fieldname exist
in a sepcified database.
<expC1> database to search for field
<expC2> fieldname to search for
&& prints .T. if "NAMES" exist in "MYDBASE.DBF"
Returns: .T. if field exists;
otherwise .F.
Function: DbImpData( [<expC>], [<expN1>], [<expN2>, <expN3>] )
--> NIL
Synopsis: This function gives the user a choice of importing
a set of data. The function works on the current
workarea and imports ALL data of the given file.
[<expC>] optional box color string defaults to
[<expN1>] optional shadow defaults to C_SHADPOS
[<expN2>..<expN3>] optional top/left coordinates
of box defaults center.
Currently supported import formats are:
ASCII delimited
During the operation a box is being presented
showing the progress by displaying the amount of
records imported.
Note: a workarea and database must be in use before this
function is called.
Examples: USE EXPDB
- or -
DBIMPDATA( Color, Shadow, top, Left )
Returns: Nothing
Function: DbInUse( <expC1>, [<expN1>] ) --> Workarea
Synopsis: Searches undestructive in all Workareas if the
ALIAS passed in <expC> is already in Use.
<expC1> Alias to be searched for.
[<expN1>] optional starting workarea.
Notes: The Function will terminate as soon as the first
ALIAS was found.
Returns: Workarea if ALIAS was found, 0 if ALIAS was not
Function: DBISDBF( <expC1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if Database is valid DBASE format.
The function tests the database in question by
trying to open it. On success, the database will
be closed and the old settings reinstated -
returning .T.; on error the function will reset
the old settings and return .F.;
That the function doesn't crash is made possible
by means of the VERTEX Error handling function.
Examples: lisvalid := dbisdbf( "SAMPLE.DBF" )
&& lisvalid contains .T. if valid database
Returns: .T. if database is valid and not corrupted
otherwise .F.
Function: BISMEMO() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if there exists a MEMO-field for a
Examples: DBISMEMO()
- or -
Returns: .T. if there exists a memofield for the database;
otherwise .F.
Function: DBJUMP() --> string
Synopsis: Pops up available, open Databases for selection.
The function searches all possible workareas for
open databases and pops up a selection of
available databases. The user may select a
database which will become then the current
Examples: USE customer
USE addresses
DBJUMP() && pops a selection of
&& allowing the user to change
&& the workarea to any of them
Returns: the alias of the selected workarea if changed
successful, otherwise the alias of the current
Function: DbLookFor( <expC1> ) --> Alias
Synopsis: Searches a database for records fitting a search-
<expC1> Search expression which must evaluate to
a logical value
It searches the Database of the current Workarea
and will write the Recordnumber of the found
Records in a temporary File.
Filename: TMP#####.##$ where # is a numeric value
Structure: Fieldname -> FOUNDREC
Fieldtype -> NUMERIC
Fieldlength ->10
Recordnumbers are written in logical order of any
found records. If any records have been found the
Alias of the temporary Database will be passed,
otherwise an empty String is passed.
Notes: Apart from type-checking of the passed parameter
and the amount of parameters passed, no other
check is done. An incorrect expression results in
an error. Best use the function MFMAKEEXPR()
to create interactively a VALID expression.
The Database for the found records is opened in
EXCLUSIVE mode in the next available lowest
workarea and remains opened. If a call to this
function has been done previously, the same
workarea will be used, all previously found
records dropped and a new set created.
Processes the database in its natural order unless
Indexes are in use. In this case the Index-order
is used.
NETWORK USERS: Be aware that this functions does not lock the
found records in any way. This means that other
users may delete the found records after the
function terminates and you are not aware of this
- thus it may lead to an erroneous result.
Returns: Alias of database where found recordnumbers are
listed for further processing
Function: DbSelDbVal( <expC1>, <expN1>..<expN4>,
[<expC2>], [<expC3>] ) --> Fieldvalue
Synopsis: A function which returns a fieldvalue from a
database chosen by a user.
<expC1> a valid fieldname of a database in use in
the current workarea.
<expN1>..<expN4> valid coordinates of the window
in which a selection of fieldvalues
[<expC2>] an optional parameter used as header of
the window.
[<expC3>] optional displaycolor string
[<expN4>] optional shadow position
The window will be created and a selection of
fieldvalues will appear. The order of the values
depends upon the index currently in use or natural
order if no index is in use. A highlight bar is
used to scan the values by means of the Cursor
control keys as well as PgUP and PgDN. This
function requires the used database to be opened
in shared modus.
Notes: The fieldwidth will be adjusted to the size of the
window. It means that fieldvalues larger than the
window will be truncated to fit the window. This
is of particular interest for NUMERIC fields since
the number displayed may not be the correct
number: e.g.
|123456|7890 <-- a numeric field, 10 digits +
| | a window, 6 digits wide =
+------+ a displayed number of first 6
although only part of the fieldvalue is being
displayed, the complete fieldvalue will be
returned. Make sure that the window for numeric
fields wide enough to allow the user to select the
right number.
The fieldname passed must be a valid fieldname for
the database in use. No parameter checking is done
apart from correct type.
Return: fieldvalue if successful empty string if not
Function: DBShrinkFile() --> logical
Synopsis: Packs a Database and updates associated indexes.
Requires an open database in the current workarea.
All open Indexes will be updated during the
packing process:
Notes: Database will be locked during packing process.
Returns: .T. if packing process was successful, .F. if
aborted or unsuccessful of whatever reason. These
reasons could be:
1) Database not opened before functioncall
2) Database could not be locked and user
terminates function.
Function: DBTBLVIEW(<expC1>,[<expC2>,<expN1>..<expN4>],[<expL1>])
--> logical
Synopsis: A tabular Database editor/viewer based upon
CLIPPERS TBROWSE objects. You may call this
function if You don't like the blockformat of
datamanipulation. It does basically the same as
DBDATAENTRY() however at present there are some
functions not available with this Tabelviewer as
there are with DBDATAENTRY().
<expC1> a databasename to work on ( this is NOT
the ALIAS )
[<expC2>] an optional index to be active while
working with the database
<expN4>] optional display parameters of the
Table defaults to 3,3,MAXROW()-3,MAXCOL()-3
[<expL1>] optional logical to allow table
editing, .T. edits, .F. does allow
only browse; defaults to .F.
Returns: .T. Data was worked on, all ok.,;
.F. Parameter error
Function: DBFLDSUM( <expC1>|<expN1> ) --> float
Synopsis: Sum a Field of a database currently in use.
The function is adding up all values of a database
field either passed by NAME or FIELDPOSITION.
<expC1> name of databasefield to sum
<expN1> fieldposition of databasefield to sum
lTotal := DBFLDSUM( 2 )
- or -
both do the same and return the same value.
Returns: a float number representing the TOTAL of the
Field, 0 on error.
Function: DbZapDb() --> logical
Synopsis: Zaps a database, indexes and all memofields
currently in use
The Function takes care of Network locking itself.
lResult := DBZAP()
&& lResult contains .T. if zapping was
&& successful. Index SNAME is also zapped
Returns: .T. if successful
.F. if unsuccessful for whatever reason
CLIPPER somehow neglected the DATE functionality and if You need
some DATE Functions.... well here they are.
For the Date calculations, all DATE Functions will temporarily
change the DATE to ANSI standard, do the calculations and then
switch back to whatever DATEFORMAT You choose to run Your system
I found this the most reliable way of calculating DATES so one
knows where the DAYS and the MONTHS etc. are...
Function: DTDATEADD( <expD>, <expN1>, <expN2> ) --> Date
Synopsis: Adds or subtracts days, weeks, months or years
to/from a given date.
<expD> date to work on
<expN1> a positive or negative integer to add
or subtract from date <expD>
<expN2> action as defined in VERTEX.CH:
DT_DAY= add days
DT_WEEK = add weeks
DT_MONTH = add months
DT_YEAR = add years
Examples: DTDATEADD( DATE(), 5, DT_DAY ) && adds 5 days
DTDATEADD( DATE(), -5, DT_DAY ) && subtract 5 days
DTDATEADD( DATE(), 5, DT_MONTH ) && DTs 5 months
DTDATEADD( DATE(), -5, DT_MONTH ) && subtract 5 months
Notes: If the number <expN1> is of a positive value, it
will be added to the date in <expD>; if the number
<expN1> is of a negative value, it will be
subtracted. The function takes care itself of
Returns: a date as result of the operation,
NIL if wrong parameters were passed
Function: DTBEGEND( <expD>, <expN1>, <expN2>, [<expN3>] )
--> Date
Synopsis: Determines begin or end of week, month or quarter
<expD> Date to examine
<expN1> Beginning ( WEEK_BEGIN ) or
End ( WEEK_END ) of ...
<expN2> Week ( OF_WEEK ), or Month ( OF_MONTH ),
or Quarter ( OF_QUARTER ) in which...
input Date <expD> falls.
OF_MONTH, OF_QUARTER are Macros defined in
Options: If week, <expN3> is day of the week beginning or
end of the week <expN1> falls on, with sunday
being 1 and saturday being 7.
Examples: cdate := ctod("01/15/90")
bow:= DTBEGEND( cdate, WEEK_BEGIN, OF_WEEK, 1 )
&& beg of week
eow:= DTBEGEND( cdate, WEEK_END, OF_WEEK, 7 )
&& end of week
&& beg of month
&& end of month
&& beg of quarter
&& end of quarter
Returns: a date depending upon the action done
Function: DTBOM( [<expD>] ) --> date
Synopsis: Calculates the beginning of the month date.
[<expD>] optional date defaults to current date.
Examples: lStartDate := DTBOM( CTOD( "10/15/90" ) )
&& lStartDate will contain 10/01/90
Returns: Beginning DATE of the MONTH in which the passed
parameter falls; NIL if invalid parameter is
Function: DTBOY( [<expD>] ) --> date
Synopsis: Calculates the beginning of the year a given date
falls in.
[<expD>] optional date defaults to current date.
Examples: lStartYear := DTBOY( CTOD( "10/15/90" ) )
&& lStartYear will contain 01/01/90
Returns: Beginning DATE of the YEAR in which the passed
parameter falls; NIL if invalid parameter is
Function: DtChkDteFmt( <expC> ) --> array
Synopsis: Accepts a dateformat string and checks its
<expC1> Date formatstring as used by the SET()
Comparison is done according to the country
specific date formats as defined in CLIPPER when
using the SET( _SET_DATEFORMAT ) function.
country identifiers as defined by CLIPPER:
2 = ANSI
8 = USA
Returns: an array with 2 elements
element[1]contains .T. if dateformat was correct,
otherwise .F.
element[2]contains the country identifier as
defined by CLIPPER if dateformat was correct,
otherwise 0
Function: DTDAYSIN( <expD> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Calculates number of days in a month
<expD> a date which is used to calculate the
number of dates in the month the date
is falling in.
Examples: ? DAYSIN( CTOD( "02/29/1992" ) )
&& prints the number 29
Returns: an integer representing the number of days of the
month a passed Date falls into. 0 if an error
Function: DTDIFF( <expD1>, <expD2>, <expN> ) --> integer
Synopsis: calculates the difference between two given dates
depending upon action chosen.
<expD1> start date
<expD2> end date
<expN> action as defined in VERTEX.CH:
DT_DAY= in days
DT_WEEK = in weeks
DT_MONTH = in months
DT_YEAR = in years
Examples: lDate1 := CTOD( "10/15/90" )
lDate2 := CTOD( "10/26/90" )
diffdays := DTDIFF(adate,adate2, DT_DAY)
diffweeks := DTDIFF(adate,adate2, DT_WEEK)
diffmonth := DTDIFF(adate,adate2, DT_MONTH)
diffyears := DTDIFF(adate,adate2, DT_YEAR)
Returns: integer representing the difference of both dates
depending upon action chosen.
Function: DTDINM( [<expD>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Calculates number of days in month of given date.
[<expD>] optional date defaults to DATE()
This function also takes consideration of Leap
Examples: DTDINM( CTOD( "10/20/89" ) ) returns 31
Returns: an integer representing the amount of days in the
month of parameter or current date.
Function: DTDTOF() --> string
Synopsis: Returns the current Date-Format string
The function returns the current date setting as a
format string 8 characters OR 6 characters long,
unlike CLIPPERS DTOS() function which will
always return a string YYYYMMDD.
lFormat := DTDTOF()
&& lFormat contains the string "yyyy.mm.dd" if century
&& is set on, otherwise it contains "yy.mm.dd"
Returns: a date format string according to the current
Function: DTDTOW( [<expD>] ) --> string
Synopsis: Converts a date to a sentence.
The Function convertes a given date to a sentence.
[<expD>] optional date defaults to DATE()
Examples: DTDTOW( CTOD( "12/10/90" ) )
&& returns "December 10th, 1990"
DTDTOW( CTOD( "12/01/90" ) )
&& returns "December 01st, 1990"
DTDTOW( CTOD( "12/03/90" ) )
&& returns "December 03rd, 1990"
Returns: a string containing a date converted to a sentence
if correct date was passed; otherwise an empty
Function: DTDOY( <expD> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Calculates the day-of-year from a given date.
<expD> a date defaults to current date
Examples: DTDOY( CTOD("03/17/92") )&& returns 77
Returns: an integer
Function: DTSETDATE( [<expN1>]|[<expC1>] ) --> string
Synopsis: Sets a date to a defined date format
[<expN1>]|[<expC1>] numeric or string value
identifying the wanted date format
When using a numeric value, keep in mind that only
the following values are correct:
2 = ANSI
8 = USA
The string values have been pre-defined in the
headerfile VERTEX.CH and may used as follows
You may also define Your own dateformat however
keep in mind that it should be somehow in the
dd:mm:yy if century is set OFF
or dd:mm:yyyy if century is set ON
The delimiters are being used the way You have
defined them.
Notes: If CENTURY is set ON and You post a dateformat
showing no century information, the function will
not post your date. The same goes if You set
CENTRY OFF and want to post a dateformat which
includes century information.
Returns: the current dateformat if new dateformat was
posted successfully, otherwise empty string
Function: DTWOY( [<expD>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Calculates the week-of-year from a given date.
[<expD>] a date defaults to current date
Examples: DTWOY( CTOD("11/04/91") )&& returns 45
Returns: an integer
Not much to say about the FILE functions except again, all
Functions are written in CLIPPER 5.01 ( unless otherwise marked )
and not in beefed up SUMMER '87 ( pardon the pun ).
Although the SUMMER '87 compiler was quite good for its time,
there were important features missing which had to be programmed
in a round about way ( I think all CLIPPER pro's agree with me ).
Now the 5.01 version does a better job.
Function: FiAskFilename( [<expC>], [<expN1>],;
[<expN2>..<expN3>] ) --> string
Synopsis: Asks the user for a filename. The function checks
the validity of the fielname to comply with DOS.
The Function Key F2 allows the user to create a
valid, unique Filename. Warns the user if filename
alreay exists.
[<expC>] optional box colorstring defaults to c_popcol
[<expN1>] optional box shadow position defaults
to c_shadpos
[<expN2>..<expN3>] optional box coordinates
default to screen center.
Examples: FIASKFILENAME() returns a valid Filename
Notes: The function DOES NOT CREATE A FILE, it supplies
only the filename.
Returns: a string containing a valid filename.
Function: FiBldDbf( <expC1>,<expC2>|<expA> )
Synopsis: Creates a DBF from a delimited string
<expC1> name of DBF to create
<expC2> long string delimited ...
Fields must be delimited with colons, the Field
elements with commas
--- or ---
<expA> an array of Fields and Field elements
delimited with commatas
Examples: when <expC2> is a string...
30:ZIP,N,10:CREDIT,L" )
&& creates a database called CUSTOMER with 4 Fields
&& FNAME... Type C, Length 30
&& ADDR ... Type C, Length 30
&& ZIP ... Type N, Length 10
&& CREDIT ... Type L, Length 1
when <expA> is used...
lDbStruc := { "FNAME,C,30",;
FiBldDbf( "CUSTOMER", lDbStruc )
does the same.
Notes: FiBldDbf() expects an unused area to work in, and
will return .f. if it detects a DBF open in the
current area. An overwrite will not be allowed.
Returns: .T. if database created successfully
otherwise .F.
Function: FIINFO( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Examines a file and returns fileinfo based upon
passed parameters.
<expC> filename of file to check
<expN> what to look for. These options are defined
in the VERTEXUS.CH file and are as follows:
Examples: filesize = fileinfo("customer.dbf", FI_SIZE)
&& filesize contains the size of file "customer.dbf"
&& as a string
Returns: a string of the wanted fileinfo
Function: FiKeepVar( <expC1> ) --> Filename
Synopsis: Writes <expC1> to disk and returns a unique
<expC1> a string of any kind.
This Function is very useful in writing saved
screen variables to disk for keeping them there
for the duration of the program so they may be
recalled at a later time. Allows saving quite some
MEMO Fields may be exported into a file for
editing with an external editor.
Just remember to erase the Files. Do this by using
the function fitempclean() as last functioncall in
your program.
Examples: lScrSave := SAVESCREEN( 0,0,20,50 )
lFilename := FiKeepVar( lScrSave )
&& lFilename contains a unique filename where
&& the SAVESCREEN string was written to...
- or -
lFilename := FiKeepVar( "this string is"+;
" written to disk" )
Returns: Filename if successfully saved, otherwise empty
Function: FiMakeUnique( [<expC1>] ) --> Filename
Synopsis: Creates a unique Filename. Checks if Filename
already exists and changes Filename accordingly.
<expC1> optional extension
If the optional extension is used the Filename
construct is:
where the underscores ( ___ ) in the Filename are
replaced by the extension. Otherwise the filename
defaults to the Filename Construct:
where # denotes an integer in the range 0 .. 9
Notes: Use only valid extension characters for the
filename as no checking on validity is done.
Returns: a unique filename not existing in default
Function: FiTempClean() --> NIL
Synopsis: Erases all temporary files createt by the user.
Requires the PUBLIC array c_tfiles to be available
where the names of all temporary files are stored
in, e.g. with Function
Notes: Erases only the temporary files created by a
specific user all others are left unchanged.
Call this function as the very last thing you do
before leaving a program since it will erase also
the files in which evtl. Screen areas have been
saved, e.g. with Functions:
fikeepvar() etc.
Also, use the fitempclean() function only if these
above functions had been used previously or you
wrote manually to the array c_tfiles.
Returns: Nothing
Function: FiVarGet( <expC1> ) --> variable
Synopsis: Reads a temporary file in which a variable was
<expC1> contains the filename into which the
variable was previously save with the
function FIKEEPVAR()
Notice: make sure that saved screen variable was read back
correctly otherwise may corrupt display.
Returns: Saved screen if successfully read, otherwise NULL
I have supplied a view Graphics functions as a start. In general
You do not need to link anything special in to use them. However
be aware that You do need a Graphics Video Adapter to use these
Also, You must switch into a Graphics mode to be able to see the
output and BEFORE your use any graphics functions.
CLIPPERS ? and ?? functions don't work in Graphics mode as well as
the DEBUGGER. I will try and expand the Graphics Library a
little in time to give You more possibilities and will improve all
functions so that You may use them in both TEXT and GRAPHICS
Function: GRBOX( <expN1>..<expN5> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Draws a Graphics box on screen
The function will draw a box on a screen in
graphics mode a the given coordinates and returns
the sum of a pixels drawn.
<expN1> TOP LEFT X coordinate
<expN2> TOP LEFT Y coordinate
<expN3> BOTTOM RIGHT X coordinate
<expN4> BOTTOM RIGHT Y coordinate
<expN5> COLOR of box
Examples: GRBOX( 100,100,600,400,3 )
Notes: Remember You are in graphics mode so all
coordinates are in PIXELS and NOT IN COLUMNS AND
In general:
standard CGA has 320 x 200
standard EGA has 640 x 350
and standard VGA has 640 x 480 pixels.
Returns: integer, number of pixels drawn; 0 on error
Function: GRINIT( <expN1>, <expN2> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Sets maximal X,Y coordinates for Graphics Screens
Call this function whenever You want to set the
maximal x,y screen coordinates to any other values
than the ones set by the UTINIT() function.
The globals b_maxx and b_maxy are set
according to what Your system allows at maximum.
If Your video card supports 800 x 600 pixels, call
this function with:
GRINIT( 800, 600 )
setting the maximal x,y coordinates to this value
to benefit from the provided Graphics functions
Examples: GRINIT( 800,600 ) && set maximal x,y coordinates
&& to 800x600
GRINIT( 640,480 ) && " " " 640x480
Returns: Nothing
Function: GRLINE( <expN1> .. <expN5> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Draw a colored line in Graphics mode.
<expN1> starting X coordinate
<expN2> starting Y coordinate
<expN3> ending X coordinate
<expN4> ending Y coordinate
<expN5> color of line
The function will draw a line on the current
display page from starting X,Y coordinates to
ending X,Y coordinates in the specified color.
Notes: If starting X,Y and ending X,Y are the same
coordinates only one pixel is plotted.
Returns: integer; the number of actual pixels plotted.
Function: GRPTREAD( <expN1>, <expN2> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Reads a colored pixel at X,Y coordinate and
returns the palette color at a given point
<expN1> X coordinate of the point whose color to
read and return
<expN2> Y coordinate
Examples: lColor = GRPTREAD( 600, 300 )
&& reads color at position 600,300 and
&& returns a numerical color
Returns: integer
Function: GRPTWRITE( <expN1> .. <expN3> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Writes a colored pixel at X,Y coordinate
<expN1> X coordinate
<expN2> Y coordinate
<expN3> color of pixel
The function will write a "colored" pixel at a
given X,Y coordinate.
Notes: Make sure that the pixel is within the bounds of
the valid Screenarea ( see b_maxx and b_maxy
coordinates ) which You set with UTINIT() to
default values or using the GRINIT() function do
specifiy Your own.
Examples: GRPTWRITE( 100,200,3 )
Returns: Nothing
The META Functions are something special in many ways. I have them
included for the beginners ( or the overworked experts ) to have a
way to quickly put together a program with all needed features to
satisfy the customer.
A META Function is a function which may stand on itself and supply
a complete set of functionality to the user ( i.e. the
MFDATAENTRY() function ) and could quite well be a program on its
Use them if You want to, but be aware that they take away some
Function: MFCOLORPICK() --> NIL
Synopsis: A meta-function allowing the selection of colors
from a list
The Function gives the user the option via a menu
to select at present 12 pre-defined color
combinations which will be saved in the file
Colors will be initialised with the SETCOLOR()
Returns: Nothing
Function: MfDbTools( <expN1>,<expN2>,[<expA1>],[<expN3>],;
[<expC2>],[<expL2>]) --> NIL
Synopsis: A Database Toolbox containing major database
handling functions. These functions can be
disabled for use by means of the third parameter
which requires an array of logical values.
<expN1> Coordinate, top row of toolbox window
<expN2> Coordinate, left side of toolbox window
[<expA1>] optional array of logical values
denoting if item is selectable or not:
( .T. = selectable )
( .F. = not selectable )
defaults to ALL selectable.
[<expN3>] optional parameter of windows shadow
[<expC2>] optional parameter of window color
[<expL2>] optional parameter for display windows
with or w/o frame
Following functions are available with this
1. Export data (in part or whole )
2. Import data
3. Shrink database ( removes deleted records )
4. Jump database ( selects new working database)
5. Zap database ( removes ALL data from database )
6. Interactive build index and set if desired
7. Print selected records
Examples: MFDBTOOLS( 5,5,{.T.,.T.,.T.,.T.,.T.,.T.,.T.} )
&& pops up the tools and all being
MFDBTOOLS( 5,5 ) && the same....
Returns: Nothing
Function: MfDataEntry( [<expA1> .. <expA3>] ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Allows generic Data-manipulation. Requires an open
database and three passed arrays. If no parameters
are passed, then defaults to all fields being
displayed and the FIELDNAMES being the field
descriptors. No indexes are then being used.
<expA1> an array containing the Database-
Structure of the database currently in use.
Use the function DBSTRUCT() to get the
required info about the structure,
lStruct := DBSTRUCT()
and pass the array "lStruct" as first
<expA2> an array of field descriptors of the
current Database.
<expA3> an array of logical values. Any .T.
value results in the field being
displayed, .F. prevents the field
being displayed.
Example: USE sample
lStruc := DBSTRUCT() && Structure
lFields := {"Field1","Field2","Field3"}
&& Fielddescriptors
lYN := { .T., .F., .T. } && display ? YES/NO
lNtx := { "NAME","ACCOUNT" } && 2 indexes are used
MfDataEntry( lStruc, lFields, lYN, lNtx )
&& functioncall
Results in FIELDS "Field1" and "Field3" being
displayed and possible to be edited. "Field2" will
not appear.
USE sample
Results in ALL fields being displayed with their
FIELDNAMES being the descriptors.
Notice: All Functionkeys in the range F1 - F10 being SET
with the SETKEY() CLIPPER Function will be saved
and returned to their former settings. Requires a
database in use in the current workarea
Returns: Nothing
Function: MfMakeExpr( <expA>, [<expC1>], [<expN1>] )
--> Expression
Synopsis: Allows the interactive creation of an expression.
This expression can be used to find certain data
in a database, which matches the expression. An
array of fieldnames must be passed. There is no
checking if the fieldnames passed, fit the
database in use. So make sure that the database is
in use of which the fieldnames have been passed in
the array <expA>
<expC1> optional colorstring
<expN1> optional shadowposition
The screen will be build in a fashion of:
+--box1-------+ +--box2------+ +--box3------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | +------------+ +------------+
| | +--box4---------------------+
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +---------------------------+
where the boxes 1 to 4 following options contain:
Box1: all fields selectable by the user.
Box2: operator used for the comparison
Box3: operand used for the comparison, which can be
a) a value already existing in the database
b) a new value to be entered by the user.
alternatively contains .T. or .F. option when
selecting a field of type LOGICAL.
Box4: the spot where the new value can be entered.
Note that box 4 is only relevant if the selected
field is NOT of type "L" (logic).
Fields of type "M" (Memo) cannot be included in
the expression.
Returns: a valid expression if completed, an empty string
if unsuccessful
Function: MfPickColor() --> logical value
Synopsis: pops up a selection of color-choices and stores it
to file SYSTEM.DAT
Returns: .T. if succesfully changed; .F. if no changes were
Function: MfSelfile( [<expC>] ) --> string
Synopsis: A META function for selecting a PATH/File. Pops up
a window in the center of the screen allowing the
user to select either a file, or change a
directory permanently.
[<expC>] optional three character extension to
search for. Possible extensions
currently are:
others will be added soon.
I have tried to put something together the quick
way for Your convenience to change a directory and
select a file. I know it's not the ideal thing but
please be free to make suggestions.
A row of buttons on the right side allow You to
select the type of files You want to see or select
in the left window. Choose the Filetype, then
choose the file. Push the "RETURN" button to have
the full filename ( w/o the path returned ).
Examples: lFile := MFSELFILE() && to return a filename
lFile := MFSELFILE( "DBF" ) && allows selection
&& of DBF files
&& ONLY. Other options
&& such as
&& DIR change etc. are not
&& affected
Returns: a string containing the filename
Function: MFSETCOLOR() --> NIL
Synopsis: Development Tool for finding color combinations.
Sets the global color- and display type variables.
Several global (public) color variables are used
by the functions. These are:
c_normcol - For normal input/output
c_normmenu - For normal 'menu to' operations
c_popcol - For popup box colors
c_popmenu - For popup box menus
c_errcol - For popup error boxes
c_frame - Frame string
c_shadatt - Shadow color attribute (numeric)
c_shadpos - Shadow position (0,1,3,7,9)
c_xplode - Logical - explode windows?
All are of the format "f/b,f/b,,,f/b" (f-
foreground b-background)
MFSETCOLOR() allows interactive setting of these
colors. The variables are stored in SYSTEM.DAT -
which is created if needed by MFSETCOLOR().
If SYSTEM.DAT is not present, UTINIT() will
initialise a default set of colors, otherwise it
will restore from SYSTEM.DAT
Notes: MFSETCOLOR() does not effect the current color
setting. It manipulates SYSTEM.DAT. To utilize
colors selected by MFSETCOLOR(), a restore from
SYSTEM.DAT must be done.
Returns: Nothing
The Menu functions make use of other VERTEX-functions as well as
several low level C and Assembler functions. They are fast, small
and easy to use.
Currently I have stayed away from SAA type menus as I found them
using quite some memory and processing overhead.
Function: MNABORT( [<expC>], [<expN1>..<expN2>] )
--> logical
Synopsis: Pops up a dialog box asking the user "ABORT?" and
allows to make a choice if an escape key ( ASCII
27 ) was pressed at a wait state.
<expC> optional characterstring of the box color
defaults to the globaly defined POPMENU color
<expN1> .. <expN2> optional box position where:
expN1 is the equivalent of TOP ROW and expN2 is the
equivalent of LEFT COLUMN
Example: INKEY(0)
Returns: .T. for yes; .F. for no
Function: MNALERT( <expC1>, <expA1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: A popup dialog-box with more than 2 choices
displayed centered.
<expC1> Expression to be displayed as question.
<expA1> answers
Examples: lChoice := mnalert( "Are you ready", 10, 10,;
{ "Yes!", "Not yet", "Almost" } )
CASE lChoice == 1 && yes
... your code ...
CASE lChoice == 2 && not yet
... your code ...
CASE lChoice == 3 && almost
... your code ...
Returns: an integer identifying the selected option; 0 on
error or if no selection
Function: MNCHOICE( <expA>, <expN1>..<expN4>, [<expC1>],;
[<expL>], [<expC2>], [<expN5>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: The equivalent of CLIPPER's ACHOICE() function
however it also creates a box for it with an
optional heading and restores the underlying
screen after selection.
<expA> an array of choices.
<expN1>..<expN4> location of choice box.
[<expC1>] optional boxtitle
[<expL>] optional execute flag defaults to .F.
- if set to .T., this function will
execute a return on a first letter match.
[<expC2>] optional boxcolor defaults to C_POPCOL
[<expN5>] optional boxshadow position defaults
Examples: MyArray := { "Apples", "Pears", "Bananas" }
lChoice := MNCHOICE( MyArray,Top,Left,Bottom,Right,;
Returns: an integer identifying the selected array element.
0 for no selection
Function: MNFIELDS( [<expC1>],[<expN1>..<expN4>], [<expL>],
[<expC2>],[<expN5>] ) --> string|integer
Synopsis: pops up a box to allow selection of fields of
current database.
[<expC1>] optional title of box.
[<expN1>..<expN4>] optional box coordinates
default to screen center.
[<expL>] optional returnvalue selector. If set
to .T. returns selected FIELDNAME, if
set to .F. returns the FIELDPOSITION
of the selected field;
defaults to .T.
[<expC2>] optional box colorstring defaults to
[<expN5>] optional box shadowposition defaults
to c_shadpos
Notes: Do not confuse this function with the
MNTAKEFIELD() function. MNFIELDS() examines the
current database and returns the fieldname or the
fieldposition depending upon the 5th parameter
set, whereas MNTAKEFIELD() relies upon the
fieldnames passed as an array and does not need an
open database.
Returns: if parameter 5 is set to .T. --> selected fieldname
if parameter 5 is set to .F. --> FIELDPOSITION within
current database of
selected Field
Function: MNINFO( <expC1>,<expN1>,<expA1> ) --> string
Synopsis: Displays a popup box with up to as many lines of a
messages, that fit on the screen, NOT waiting for
a Keypress.
The amount that will fit on the screen will be
calculated out of:
maximum number of displayable rows - 6
The maximum width that will be displayed is:
maximum number of displayable columns - 6
The message remains until removed with UNBOX()
<expC1> message box color string defaults to
<expN1> position of the box-shadow defaults to
<expA1> an array of messages
Examples: MNMSG(,,{ "An error has been detected!" })
MNMSG(,,{ "A","B","C","D","E","F" })
Notes: The message is centered on screen in a box.
Returns: underlying screen in string.
Nothing on error.
Function: MNMENU( <expC1>..<expC3>,[<expC4>..<expC16>])
--> integer
Synopsis: A vertical popup menu in a centered box using
<expC1> as title and performing a MENU TO ... on
<expC2> to <expC16> where <expC1> may be passed as
empty string for a popup menu w/out a title.
Examples: lChoice := mnmenu("Selection","Edit","Add",;
Returns: an integer representing the position of the
selected item. 0 (zero) of nothing was selected.
Function: MNMSG(<expC1>,<expN1>,<expC2>|<expN2>,;
[<expC3>..<expC10>]) --> NIL
Synopsis: Displays a popup box with up to 9 lines of a
message, waiting then for a Keypress or optionally
a time-out.
<expC1> message box color string defaults to
<expN1> message box shadow position defaults to 3
(bottom right )
a message string or a numeric value. If this
parameter is a messagestring, than the message
will be displayed as the first message line within
the message box; however if this parameter is of a
numeric value, than the function will see it as
the optional timeout value after which the box
will be automatically removed from the screen -
otherwise the box will remain until a further key
is pressed.
[<exp3>..<expC10>] optional further message
Examples: MNMSG(,,"An error has been detected!")
MNMSG(,,5,"A","B","C","D","E","F") && removed
&& after 5 seconds
Notes: The message is centered on screen in a box. Once
the message is displayed, the function waits for a
keypress and then removes the window, restoring
screen underneath, or waits for time-out value
defined as 3rd parameter.
Returns: Nothing
Function: MNMESSYN( <expC1>, [<expC2>,<expC3>] ) --> logical
Synopsis: A popup YESNO dialog-box.
<expC1> Expression to be displayed as question.
[<expC2>,<expC3>] optional answers defaults to
Examples: if messyn("Are you ready")
if messyn("Are you ready","Not Yet","Almost")
Returns: .T. if first answer (leftmost) was selected,
.F. if right answer (rightmost) was selected.
Function: MNPULLDN( <expN1>, <expA1>..<expA3> ) --> float
Synopsis: Pulldown Menu creator and handler. Draws a
pulldown menu with up to 8 menu boxes. selection
process starts with position passed with <expN1>.
<expN1> a floating point number representing
the start of the menu process, i.e. 1.01
starts with 1st Menu, 1st Menu option
<expA1> .. <expA3> three arrays
<expA1> each element defines the Menu. A Menu
definition is a String delimited
with colons for each Menuoption.
Example: "TITLE:option:option:option..."
with up to 99 options per string.
<expA2> is a box definition array. It is 7
elements long and defines the following:
Element: 1. <expL> Draw top bar box? T/F
2. <expC> Top bar color
3. <expC> Menu Box color
4. <expC> Menu Box frame
5. <expN> Menu Box shadow position (0,1,3,7,9)
6. <expN> Menu Box shadow attribute
7. <expN> Row to start menu bar
<expA3> is an array of title column positions
to override the internal 'figerin algorithm.
Examples: #include "vertex.ch"
Box := { "Datafiles:Use Datafile",;
"Indices:Select Indices:Index order",;
"Editing:Field Replacement:Tabular Edit",;
"Reporting:Build Query:Print Lists",;
"Other:List text file:Change Directory",;
"Quit" }
BoxSel := 1.01
BoxData := { .T.,; && draw the top bar box
"W/B,GR/R,,,W/N",; && top bar color string
"W/B,N/R,,,W/N",; && drop box color
VERTEX_SSSS,; && drop box frame
3,; && drop box shadowposition
8,; && drop box shadowattribute
0 } && row # of menu bar
BoxSel := MNPULLDN( BoxSel, Box, BoxData )
case BoxSel == 1.01 && Datafiles -> Use...
case BoxSel == 2.01 && Indices -> Select...
case BoxSel == 2.02 && Indices -> Index order...
case BoxSel == 3.01
case BoxSel == 5.01
Passing a menu array element with title only will
result in no menu box, with the title being the
only selection and returning a selection value of
<MENU>.1. (i.e. a 'Quit' box)
Warnings: It takes some work to start all options and titles
with a first letter that is unique so that first
letter selection may take place.
Returns: float number to identify relative position of
chosen menu-option where the whole numerical part
identifies the master menu and the fraction the
sub menu.
Function: MnTakeField( <expA>,[<expN1>..<expN4>],[<expC>],
[<expN5>], [<expL>]) --> Fieldname
Synopsis: Accepts an Array of Fieldnames and displays it for
serselection at coordinates <expN1> to <expN4>.
<expA> array of fieldnames
[<expN1>..<expN4>] optional coordinates of box
default is center
[<expC>] optional box colorstring defaults to
[<expN5>] optional box shadow position defaults
[<expL>] optional execute flag defaults to .F.
- if set to .T., this function will
execute a return on a first letter match.
Examples: lFields := { "Name", "Address", "City" }
lChoice := MNTAKEFIELD( lFields,top,left,bott,right )
- or -
lFields := { "Name", "Address", "City" }
lChoice := MNTAKEFIELD( lFields, top, left, bott, right,;
M->color, M->shadow, .T.)
Returns: FIELDNAME if one was chosen,
Empty string if none was chosen.
The Math functions provided are using wherever available a Math-
Some functions are however simply adding elements which make use
of codeblocks to speed up the adding process. These however don't
use a Co-Processor.
Functions which are using a Co-Processor (whenever there is one
available) have been identified as such.
Function: MTARAVERAGE( <expA1> ) --> float
Synopsis: Gets the average of all numbers in an array. There
can be any types of elements within the array as
the function only calculates the average of
elements which are of type NUMERIC.
<expA1> the array to scan
Examples: lArray := { "just for fun", 12, 200, 11.6, 97.12, .T. }
lResult := MTARAVERAGE( lArray )
&& lResult contains 80.18 as average
Returns: a float containing the average of all NUMERIC elements
0 if no NUMERIC elements found or on Error.
Function: MTARSUM( <expA1> ) --> float
Synopsis: Sums a numeric array.
<expA1> numerical array to sum
Examples: lArray := { 10, 11, 1, 2 }
lTotal := MTARSUM( lArray ) && lTotal contains 24
Returns: a float containing the sum of the array passed,
on Error NIL
Function: MTDBAVERAGE( <expC1>|<expN1>, <expN2> ) --> float
Synopsis: Gets the average of all numbers in a Field
identified by <expC1> or <expN1>.
Expects an open database in the current Workarea.
<expC1> the name of the field to average or
<expN1> the fieldnumber to average
<expN2> Type 0 = averages all records incl. deleted,
Type 1 = averages only deleted records,
Type 2 = averages all BUT deleted records.
Examples: lResult := MTDBAVERAGE( 1, 0 )
&& lResult contains the average of Field 1
&& ALL records
lResult := MTDBAVERAGE( "INCOME", 1 )
&& lResult contains the average of the Field
&& "INCOME" only deleted records
&& lResult contains the average of the Field
&& "INCOME" all BUT deleted records
Returns: a float containing the average of the Field
0 if no values in Database or on Error.
Function: MTDBFLDSUM( <expC1>|<expN1> ) --> float
Synopsis: Sum a Field of a database currently in use.
The function is adding up all values of a database
field either identified by NAME or FIELDPOSITION.
<expC1> name of databasefield to sum
<expN1> fieldposition of databasefield to sum
lTotal := MTDBFLDSUM( 2 )
- or -
both do the same and return the same value.
Returns: a float number representing the TOTAL of the Field.
0 on error
Function: MTDEC2HEX( <expN1> ) --> string
Synopsis: Converts an Integer into a hexadecimal string.
The function accepts an integer and converts it
into a hexadecimal string .
<expN1> Integer to convert
Returns: a string representing the integer, empty string if
wrong parameter was passed.
Function: MTHEX2DEC( <expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Converts hexadecimal string into an Integer.
The function accepts a hexadecimal string and
converts it into an integer.
<expC1> hexadecimal string to convert
Notes: Don't pass the "H" which usually is used to
identify a HEX number.
Examples: MTHEX2DEC( "29" ) && returns 41
MTHEX2DEC( "29h" ) && returns NIL
MTHEX2DEC( "A0A" ) && returns 2570
Returns: an integer equivalent of the hexadecimal string,
NIL if wrong parameter was passed.
The Indexfunctions are primarily used to provide an easy interface
to create and handle CLIPPER and DBASE indexes.
Some functions have the functionality of META functions and give
the user quite some control over the happenings.
Function: NXisvalid( <expC> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if index-expression is valid for database
in current workarea
Requires an open Database in the current workarea.
Returns: .T. if index-expression is valid,
otherwise .F.
Function: NXINDEXKEY( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Extracts the key-expression of an index. Is
sensitive to DBase III or Clipper generated
<expC> name of index
<expN> index type. There are two different types
of indexes ( sofar ) usable with CLIPPER:
Type1 = CLIPPER NTX format
Type2 = DBase III NDX format
Returns: index key-expression if sucessfully read,
empty string if no expression found, i.e. invalid
Function: Nxscan( [<expC>] ) --> array
Synopsis: Scans a workarea for indexes.
[<expC>] optional workarea name defaults to
current workarea.
a workarea is scanned for open indexes. If a
workarea is passed as parameter, it will be
scanned for all open indexes, otherwise the
current workarea will be scanned. All open indexes
are written into an array.
Examples: allindexes := {}
allindexes := nxscan( ALIAS() ) && scans current
&& workarea
allindex := nxscan() && scans current workarea
allindex := nxscan( "NEWAREA" ) && scans workarea
allindex := nxscan( AREA ) && scans workarea "OTHERS"
Returns: array containing open indexes
empty array if no index found
Function: NxDbSeek( [<expL>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Seeks a record in the current workarea.
[<expL>] optional setting for Softseek on or
off; defaults to .F. where:
The function will seek a record in the current
workarea using the controlling index. Depending
upon the Indexkey, the user is required to enter
values of the fields containedin the index and in
the sequence appearing in the Index.
Notes: Softseek is used, irrespective of overall
settings, according to [<expL>].
lRecFound := NxDBSeek( .T. )
&& seeks a record using the index "NAMES" - Softseek
&& is set ON - the function requests input for FIELDS
Returns: a recordnumber if SEEK was successful,
otherwise 0
Function: NxSelect( [<expN1>], [<expC>], [<expN2>] )
--> logical
Synopsis: Allows the setting of indexes in the current
[<expN1>] a numeric value of the controlling
index ( 0 - 15 ) where 0 sets the
controlling index off so that the
database can be accessed in its
natural order.
[<expC>] optional colorsetting of selection box
default to c_popcol
[<expN2>] option box-shadow position default to
if the parameter <expN> is not passed, then the
function will scan the current workarea for open
indexes and allows interactive setting of the
controlling index.
Notes: Requires an open database in the current workarea
Examples: NxSelect( 2 ) && sets indexorder to 2
- or -
NxSelect() && pops up a choice of available indexes
&& and allows interactive setting of the
&& indexorder
Returns: .T. if successful; .F. if unsuccessful
The provided printfunctions give You support in printing records
of a database by making use of existing QUERY sets created with
the MFMAKEEXPR() function.
Function: PROutput( <expC> | <expA> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Prints the contents of a database while using a
report form passed as parameter <expC>. Requires
an open database in the current workarea.
To use this function best, copy first of all the
records You want to have included in the report
into a seperate database and use it temporarily.
This is the faster way of selecting records You
want to print.
The function will than give You a progressing
report by means of a counter on how many records
still to go.
<expC> name of reportform to be used. If the DOS
extender .FRM is not being
used, it is assumed.
- or -
<expA> array of setup information 10 elements
The function requires the user to set certain
parameters. These are:
a) output to PRINTER or FILE
b) WITHOUT or WITH ECHO while printing
All these parameters may already be set by passing
the required values together with the reportform
name in an array of 10 elements as the parameter.
The Setup of this array should be:
{ <expAC1>,;
<expAL9> }
where the single elements represent following:
<expAC1> name of report form
<expAL1> .T. to Printer, .F. to File,
<expAL2> .T. without Screen Echo, .F. with
Screen Echo
<expAL3> .T. Plain, .F. with Heading
<expAL4> .T. first page eject, .F. no first page eject
<expAL5> .T. full report, .F. only summary
<expAC2> Heading string to be used if <expAL3>
is set to .F. (printing with
heading). Note: Will be ignored if <expAL3>
is set to value .T.
[<expAN1>] an optional integer identifying the
recordnumber of a single record
to be printed. Note: [<expAN2>] will be
ignored if anything is in this element.
[<expAN2>] an optional integer identifying the
next "n" - amount of records
to be printed. Note: [<expAN1>] will be
ignored if anything is in this element.
[<expAL6>] optional logical value to determine if
all records are to be processed
or only the REST ( from current
position to end of file ). .T. if
printing the REST, .F. to print all
Note: Both [<expAN1>] and [<expAN2>] will be ignored
if anything is in this element.
Notes: Using only a formname when calling the function
has the same result as using a parameter-array
with following settings:
{ "< formname >",; && <- Formname
.T.,; && <- output to printer
.T.,; && <- no echo
.T.,; && <- plain
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
NIL; && <- heading
NIL,; && <- single recordnumber
&& to print
NIL,; && <- next n-records to print
.F.,; && <- print all records
Make sure all Elements which are not used contain
a NIL value.
Examples: proutput( "MYFORM" ) && prints using MYFORM.FRM
&& and defaults
- or -
This array-setup will:
a) use form "MYFORM.FRM"
b) output to printer
c) give no echo to screen
d) uses default headings, thus ignoring the
header written into element 7.
e) eject the first page
f) do a FULL report
g) output all records in database
prnArray := { "MYFORM", && <- Formname
.T.,; && <- output to printer
.T.,; && <- no echo
.T.,; && <- plain
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
"Headings"; && <- will be ignored this
&& time!!!!
NIL,; && <- single recordnumber
&& to print
NIL,; && <- next n- records to print
.F.,; && <- print some or all
&& records
} )
- or -
This array-setup will:
a) use form "MYFORM.FRM"
b) output to File. The Function will ask for a
filename and will use it as output file.
c) give no echo to screen
d) uses the header written into element 7.
e) eject the first page
f) do a FULL report
g) output all records in database
prnArray := { "MYFORM", && <- Formname
.F.,; && <- output to File
.T.,; && <- no echo
.F.,; && <- with heading
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
"Headings"; && <- will be used this
&& time!!!!
NIL,; && <- single recordnumber
&& to print
NIL,; && <- next n- records to print
.F.,; && <- print some or all
&& records
} )
- or -
This array-setup will:
a) use form "MYFORM.FRM"
b) output to printer
c) give no echo to screen
d) uses default headings, thus ignoring the
header written into element 7.
e) eject the first page
f) do a FULL report
g) output ONLY the RECORD 1 as identified.
prnArray := { "MYFORM", && <- Formname
.T.,; && <- output to printer
.T.,; && <- no echo
.T.,; && <- plain
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
"Headings"; && <- will be ignored
& this time!!!!
1,; && <- single recordnumber
&& to print
NIL,; && <- next n- records to print
.F.,; && <- print some or all
&& records
} )
- or -
This array-setup will:
a) use form "MYFORM.FRM"
b) output to printer
c) give no echo to screen
d) uses default headings, thus ignoring the
header written into element 7.
e) eject the first page
f) do a FULL report
g) outputs the NEXT 200 RECORDS
prnArray := { "MYFORM", && <- Formname
.T.,; && <- output to printer
.T.,; && <- no echo
.T.,; && <- plain
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
"Headings"; && <- will be ignored this
&& time!!!!
NIL,; && <- single recordnumber
&& to print
200,; && <- next n-records to print
.F.,; && <- print some or all
&& records
} )
- or -
This array-setup will:
a) use form "MYFORM.FRM"
b) output to printer
c) give no echo to screen
d) uses default headings, thus ignoring the header
written into element 7.
e) eject the first page
f) do a FULL report
g) output the REST of the records in the Database
relative to the recordpointer position.
prnArray := { "MYFORM", && <- Formname
.T.,; && <- output to printer
.T.,; && <- no echo
.T.,; && <- plain
.T.,; && <- eject first page
.T.,; && <- full report
"Headings"; && <- will be ignored this
&& time!!!!
NIL,; && <- single recordnumber to print
NIL,; && <- next n-records to print
.T.,; && <- print the rest
} )
proutput( prnArray ) && uses the defined array
for parameters
Returns: .T. if print was successful; otherwise .F.
Although CLIPPER provides String functions I have endeavored to
provide You with some functions giving You more control over the
Some functions make use of low level C functions for speeding
things up. They are however all fully overlayable and are in many
ways faster and smaller than the provided CLIPPER string
Function: STARRANGE( <expC>, <expN1>..<expN3> ) --> string
Synopsis: Rearranges a string.
<expC> string to work on.
<expN1> starting position for extract
<expN2> length of extract
<expN3> new startplace of extract AFTER text was
Samples: lString := "WINTERGARDEN"
lString := STARRANGE( lString, 7, 6, 1 )
( returns "GARDENWINTER" )
Returns: altered String
Function: STBEGINSWITH( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Determines if a string begins with another string
<expC1> target string to compare
<expC2> source string to compare target string
Examples: lString1 := "MASTERPROGRAM"
lString2 := "MASTER"
lString2 := "SWITCH"
STBEGINSWITH( lString1, lString2 ) returns .T.
STBEGINSWITH( lString1, lString3 ) returns .F.
Returns: .T. if <expC1> begins with <expC2>, otherwise .F.
Function: STCENTER( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Centers a string within a given length. To do
this, the function will first pad the given string
to the length required ( set with <expN> ) and
centers the passed string ( in <expC> ) with the
given length.
<expC> the string to be centered.
<expN> the length ( width ) in which string is to
be centered.
Examples: lNewString := STCENTER( "Old String", 20 )
&& lNewString is now 20 characters long and centered
&& result: " Old String "
Notes: If <expN> is less than the length of <expC>, the
function will return the same string unaltered.
Returns: a centered String if successful,
the passed string if unsuccessful,
NIL if parameters are invalid
Function: STCHRINSTR( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Searches a string for the first occurance of a
character and returns its position if found.
<expC1> string to be searched
<expC2> character to search for
Examples: lString := "This is a string"
lPos := STCHRINSTR( lString, "a" )
&& lPos will contain 9
Returns: an integer showing the position of the found
Function: STCRUNCH( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Erases spaces contained in a string and appends
them to the end of the string.
<expC> string to work on
<expN> action code as defined in VERTEXUS.CH:
MOVE_ALL = moves all spaces to end of string
MOVE_NO_SINGLE = moves all but single spaces to end
of string
Examples: lString1 := "MOEVENPICK Ice Cream"
&& returns "MOEVENPICK Ice Cream "
- or -
&& returns "MOEVENPICKIceCream "
Returns: crunched string depending upon action, NIL if
wrong parameters passed
Function: stcutleft( <expC1>, <expN1> ) --> string
Synopsis: The function is cutting off the left side of a
given string the amount of characters passed in
<expC1> the string to cut
<expN1> the amount of characters to cut off
Examples: lString := "A very long string we have!"
lString := STCITLEFT( lString, 7 )
&& lString = "long string we have!"
Returns: remaining string
Function: stcutright( <expC1>, <expN1> ) --> string
Synopsis: The function is cutting off the right side of a
given string the amount of characters passed in
<expC1> the string to cut
<expN1> the amount of characters to cut off
Examples: lString := "A very long string we have!"
lString := STCUTRIGHT( lString, 9 )
&& lString = "A very long string"
Returns: remaining string
Function: STENDSWITH( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Determines if a string ends with another string
<expC1> target string to compare
<expC2> source string to compare target string
Examples: lString1 := "MASTERPROGRAM"
lString2 := "PROGRAM"
lString2 := "SWITCH"
STENDSWITH( lString1, lString2 ) returns .T.
STENDSWITH( lString1, lString3 ) returns .F.
Returns: .T. if <expC1> ends with <expC2>, otherwise .F.
Function: STLPAD( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Pads a string with spaces at left side of string
<expC> string to pad
<expN> new length of string
Notes: string will be truncated if <expN> is smaller than
original string length.
Returns: string left padded with spaces.
Function: STLSHIFT( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Shift a string to left side. All leftmost
characters are lost.
<expC> string to shift
<expN> number of positions to shift left
Returns: string as remained after left-shift
Function: STRPAD( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Pads a string with spaces at right side of string
<expC> string to pad
<expN> new length of string
Notes: string will be truncated if <expN> is smaller than
original string length.
Returns: string right padded with spaces.
Function: STRSHIFT( <expC>, <expN> ) --> string
Synopsis: Shift a string to right side. All rightmost
characters are lost.
<expC> string to shift
<expN> number of positions to shift right
Returns: string as remained after right-shift
All System functions are low level C and Assembler functions. They
are all well behaved and written in Microsoft C 6.00 and Turbo
Assembler 1.0
I have sofar not experienced any problems with them and they
should not give You any either. Never the less, since they go into
the Hart of the Computer You should use them cautiously and
strictly the way suggested in the descriptions.
To speed things, I have ommitted any param checking in these
functions as it is assumed You know what You are doing.
Function: SYCHDIR( <expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Changes the current directory.
<expC1> the path where to change to.
Returns: 0 if change occurred
an integer < 0 on error
Function: SYCHDRIVE( <expC1>|<expN1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: changes the standard drive.
<expC1> a character identifying the drive to
change to
<expN1> a number identifying the drivenumber to
change to the number represents the drive
as identified by DOS.
Returns: .T. if successful
.F. on error
Function: SYCOLDBOOT() --> NIL
Synopsis: Reboots the system (includes a RAM-Check )
Returns: nothing
Function: SYCURDRV() --> integer
Synopsis: Returns the current Drivenumber.
The function checks the system and returns the
current drive in form of a number
( 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, ... etc. )
Returns: an integer identifying the current drive.
Function: SYDRVEFREE( <expN1>|<expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Checks a drive and returns the free Diskspace.
<expC1> the identifier of the drive to be checked
if a number is passed it will represent the drive
according to the DOS calling convention
Returns: a long integer representing the free diskspace
Function: SYDRIVE() --> character
Synopsis: Returns the current Drive.
The function is calling the C-Function
SYCURDRV() to convert the drivenumber returned
by the C-Function into the equivalent Character
Returns: a character identifying the current drive.
Function: SYDRIVES() --> string
Synopsis: Get available drives of system an returns these in
a string.
Return: string of available drives
Function: SYDRVETTL( <expN1>|<expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Checks a drive and returns the total Diskspace.
<expC1> the identifier of the drive to be checked
if a number is passed it will represent the drive
according to the DOS calling convention
Returns: a long integer representing the total diskspace
Function: SYDRVRDOK( <expC1>|<expN1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Check if the drive, identified by the parameter is
ready to read or not.
Examples: IF SYDRVRDOK( "A" )
.... your code to read from disk ...
.... other action since drive is not ready ....
Returns: .T. if drive is ready, otherwise .F.
Function: SYDRVWRTOK( <expC1>|<expN1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Check if the drive, identified by the parameter is
ready to write or not.
Examples: IF SYDRVWRTOK( "A" )
.... your code to write to disk ...
.... other action since drive is not ready ....
Returns: .T. if drive is ready, otherwise .F.
Function: SYMKDIR( <expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Creates a subdirectory.
<expC1> is string naming the new subdirectory
Notes: <expC1> should be a string such as You would use
when creating a subdirectory in the DOS
environment with the DOS command "MD" or "MKDIR".
Returns: 0 if subdirectory created succesfully, any number
less than 0 on error.
Function: SYRMDIR( <expC1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: Erases the subdirectory passed as parameter.
<expC1> the subdirectory to be erased.
Notes: The subdirectory to be erased must be empty.
Returns: 0 if erased correctly; an integer < 0 on error
In this category I have included all functions for which I have
not established a group.
You may find some functions in here provided by someone else I
have included them here simply because they are good and
complement the CLIPPER library in many ways. These functions were
all distributed inclusive Source code, and I have included the
source code on the disk for Your usage.
Wherever I used someone elses function, I have made mentioning of
it. I do not want to have any credit for it, nor do I want to make
anything out of it. I simply use them and provide them to You for
Your benefit.
Function: UTBITSET( <expC1>, <expN1> ) --> character
Synopsis: Sets a selected bit in a BYTE (character)
<expC1> character (BYTE) to set a bit in
<expN1> bitposition to set ( 0 - 7, right to left )
In effect, ORs argument byte with a byte that has
only the target bit set. If bit is already set,
it remains set.
Examples: Newbyte := UTBITSET( CHR(107), 4 )
? ASC( Newbyte ) // result: 123
? Newbyte // result: '{'
Returns: New byte (character) , with designated bit set.
If parameters are faulty, returns NIL.
Function: UtBellAttn() --> NIL
Synopsis: a single tone at 200 Hz for the duration of 1/18th
of a second and 100 Hz for the same duration.
Note: The tone sounds only if the global variable _quiet
is set to .F.
Returns: nothing
Function: UtBellError() --> NIL
Synopsis: a single tone at 100 Hz for the duration of 2/18th
of a second.
Note: The tone sounds only if the global variable _quiet
is set to .F.
Returns: nothing
Function: UtBellDone() --> NIL
Synopsis: a single tone at 500 Hz for the duration of 1/18th
of a second.
Note: The tone sounds only if the global variable _quiet
is set to .F.
Returns: nothing
Function: UtBellUdf( <expA1> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: a single tone or a combination of tones depending
upon the values passed.
<expA1> a 2-dim. array containing one or more
The array should be created in following fashion:
{ { <frequency>,... }, { <duration>,... } }
Examples: To have the same effect with UtBellUdf() as with
UtBellAttn() create an array like:
AttnTone := { { 200, 100 }, { 1, 1 } }
and call the function like:
UtBellUdf( Attntone )
Note: The tone sounds only if the global variable _quiet
is set to .F.
Returns: nothing
Function: UTBYTEAND( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> character
Synopsis: Performs bit-wise AND on two BYTES (characters)
<expC1> BYTE to be AND'ed
<expC2> to AND <expC1> with
<expC1> and <expC2> are characters from CHR(0) TO
CHR(255). May be passed in CHR() form, as
character literals, or as expressions evaluating
to CHR() values.
Can be used for any bit-wise masking operation. In
effect, this is a bit-by-bit AND operation.
Equivalent to AND assembler instruction.
Returns: resulting byte, in CHR() form. If parameters are
faulty, returns NIL.
Function: UTBYTEOR( <expC1>, <expC2> ) --> character
Synopsis: Performs bit-wise OR on two characters.
<expC1> the character to be OR'd
<expC2> the character to OR with
<expC1> and <expC2> are characters from CHR(0) TO
CHR(255). May be passed in CHR() form, as
character literals, or as expressions evaluating
to CHR() values.
Examples: This code performs a bit-wise OR on two bytes
represented by CHR(20) and CHR(10):
NewChar := UTBYTEOR( CHR(20), CHR(10) )
? ASC( NewChar ) // result: 30
? NewChar // result: non-printable
Returns: character in CHR() form. If parameters are
faulty, returns NIL.
Function: UtChkCursType( <expN> ) --> logical value
Synopsis: accepts a numerical value representing the
cursortype defined in CLIPPER for user with the
SETCURSOR() function
<expN> numerical expression as defined in
Returns: .T. if numerical expression identifies valid
cursorshape .F. if numerical expression out of
bounds or expression invalid.
Function: UTCOLCONVERT( <expC1>, <expN1> ) --> integer
Synopsis: returns a color integer for colorsetting
You have Your colorstring but need the reference
color integer.
<expC1> colorstring to convert
<expN1> what part of colorstring to retrieve as
integer identified as:
0 = foreground standard
1 = background standard
2 = standard colorsetting
3 = foreground enhanced
4 = background enhanced
5 = enhanced colorsetting
Examples: lColor := UTCOLCONVERT( SETCOLOR(), 2 )
&& returns standard
&& color integer
lColor := UTCOLCONVERT( SETCOLOR(), 2 )+128
&& returns standard
&& color integer
&& and sets the blink
&& attribute
lColor := UTCOLCONVERT( "W/N", 1 ) && returns background
Returns: Integer representing the CLIPPER color number.
Function: UTCTRLW()
Synopsis: Sends a CONTROL-W ( CHR(23) ) to the keyboard.
Allows remapping of a key to Ctrl-W
Examples: SET KEY F10 to UTCTRLW
&& sends CTRL-W to keyboard whenever F10 is pressed
Returns: Nothing
Function: UtGetCursType( [<expN1> .. <expN4>], [<expC>],
[<expN5>] ) --> integer
Synopsis: Pops up a window of selection of available cursor
Call this function:
cursshape := UtGetCursType()
SETCURSOR( cursshape )
[<expN1>..<expN4>] optional window coordinates
defaults to screen center.
[<expC>] optional box Colorstring defaults to
[<expN5>] optional boxshadow position defaults
to c_shadpos
if no coordinates are given, the window is popped
up in the center of the screen with default
Returns: an Integer denoting the cursorshape to be used
with the CLIPPER function SETCURSOR(). If no
cursorshape was selected the function returns the
currents cursor shape.
Function: UTDRIVES() --> string
Synopsis: Checks the Computer System for available drives
and returns info as string.
Examples: lString := UTDRIVES()
&& lString may contain "ABC"
&& if computer has 2 Floppies and 1 HD
Notes: virtual disks will be reportet as well This
Function is a C-Function.
Function: Utedpic( <expC1>, <expN1>, <expN2>, [<expC2>] )
Synopsis: Returns a picture clause appropriate for editing
<expC1> is the value of the field or variable.
<expN1> denotes LEFTMOST COLUMN where GET is
<expN2> denotes RIGHTMOST COLUMN where GET is
[<expC2>] allows optionally passing of userdefined
Notes: Checks if RIGHTMOST column lies within Screen
Boundaries and adjusts the column to POSSIBLE
RIGHTMOST COLUMN - 2 if only the first 3
parameters are passed.
Boundary checks are not done if [<expC2>] is
passed as it is assumed that user knows what he is
If Utedpic is used on Numeric fields, make sure
that overall fieldlength does not exceed 15
positions EXLUSIVE the signs -+.() as they are
counted as positions as well by CLIPPER, otherwise
the number may not be displayed and Your will see
the whole field displayed in default width filled
with "*". Can't do anything about this ( at least
have not found a way around it ) as it seems to be
CLIPPER's own decision to do this.
10, 20 )
&& would return a picture of "@KSXXXXXXXXXX"
Returns: Picture - description
Function: UTENHANCED() --> integer
Synopsis: returns a color integer for enhanced setting used
for functions that require it like ATT() and
Examples: lColor := UTENHANCED()
&& returns enhanced color integer
PRNT(10,10,"Waiting...!",lColor )
Returns: Integer representing the CLIPPER color number.
Function: UtErrFunction( <expO> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: The VERTEX Error handling function.
Handles various kinds of errors and informs the
user of the kind of error happening. Gives the
user then a choice of actions which will be stored
in the ErrorObject:cargo slot for further action.
Although no value is being returned, You are able
to use the ErrorObject for Your RECOVERY.
Several possible errors are being directly
1) opening a Database
2) opening an Index
3) DOS file open error
4) DOS file close error
5) File corruption error
E.g. You allow the user to open some file for
usage but You cant be sure that the user opens a
DBase Type file for reading. This would result in
a fatal error crashing Your program. To have a
chance to continue anyway (i.e. allow the user to
reselect a file ) do the following:
a) set up Your own error handle
b) allow the user to select the database
c) open the database while using the statement
d) test ErrorObject:cargo if recover is wanted.
Examples: LOCALlObjLocal,; && contains the ErrorObject
lSelFile,; && contains selected filename
lSuccess := .T. && set to false if file is bad
&& install
lLastHandle := ERRORBLOCK( { | FileobjErr |;
UtErrFunction( FileobjErr ) } )
.... allow the user to select a file .....
USE ( lSelFile ) NEW && use the selected file
&& the ErrorObject will be
&& used here... Remember that
&& the CARGO slot will contain
&& a .T. or .F. value
&& depending
&& on the action the user
&& wants to do since
&& his action failed.
IF ErrorObject:cargo
lSuccess := .F.
Returns: Nothing
Function: UtExpristrue( <expC> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Evaluates an expression used against a Database
record. Used by CLIPPER function DBEVAL() in
second codeblock parameter if the expression is
stored in a variable.
To use DBEVAL() correctly by using a variable as
FOR or WHILE condition in the respective
codeblock, the expression must be used as a MACRO
to be evaluated to a LOGICAL value.
DBEVAL( {|| <dowhatever if TRUE> }, {|| &lExpr } ).
To use an expression together with a macro in the
second codeblock, we have to call the
UtExpristrue() function and pass the expression to
it for evaluation.
This runs the DBEVAL() function correctly.
Note: If you want to use this Expression Evaluation
Function, make sure it is called LAST within the
second codeblock of the DBEVAL() function or
things wont work.
No Typechecking is done to ensure maximum speed so
make sure you pass a valid expression. Best use
the function MfMakeExpr() to create interactively
a VALID expression.
Returns: .T. if expression evaluates to .T. otherwise .F.
Function: UtSaveKey( <expL> ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Saves and restores SET KEYS of F1 to F10 key
If you call this function, it will save or recall
SET KEYS depending upon the parameter passed. This
enables you to re-assign SET KEYS to functions
after you have called this function and RE-set the
keys afterwards to their original settings.
Examples: SET KEY K_F1 to Help
&& sets F1 to Help() function
UtSaveKey( .T. )
&& save the setting
SET KEY K_F1 to OtherHelp
&& sets F1 to OtherHelp() function
UtSaveKey( .F. )
&& resets F1 to Help() function
Notes: Don't call the UtSaveKey() function twice in a row
with the parameter .T. or the first saved
functionkey setting are being lost.
e.g. SET KEY K_F1 to Help
UtSaveKey( .T. )
UtSaveKey( .T. ) <-- all settings are
lost at this point
Returns: 0 if call was unsuccessful
1 if functions are saved
-1 if functions are restored
Function: UTINIT() --> NIL
Synopsis: Initializes the global variables expected by
functions located in the Library if they are not
already present.
It will also look for a variable called
_SETISCOLOR. If it is present and of type "L", its
value will be used in place of ISCOLOR(). You
may want to initialize a public variable
_SETISCOLOR if you have one of those card/monitor
combos that fool ISCOLOR().
UTINIT() will also check Your system for the
presence of a graphics adapter and set the
graphics GLOBALS to the highest possible value in
sequence of:
VGA resolutions.
If You have a graphics adapter with different
resolutions than the standard listed above, You
may use the function GRINIT() to set the maximal
X,Y coordinates for Your system.
Examples: at beginning of top level program...
Notes: Its always a good idea to call this at your top
level program. All of the functions doing screen
i/o call it. It initializes the global variable
_CLIPFUNC the first time it is called.
Returns: Nothing
Function: UTISBIT( <expC1>, <expN1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Test bitstatus of bits in a BYTE (character)
<expC1> BYTE or character to examine
<expN1> Bitposition to examine (0 - 7, right to
left )
i.e. 0 is equal to rightmost bit,
7 is equal to leftmost bit.
Checks the identified Bit position in a given Byte
for the status of the identified Bit.
Examples: lBitflag := UTISBIT(CHR(65), 7)
? lBitflag// result: .T.
? UTISBIT('A', 5) // result: .F.
Returns: .T. if designated bit is set,
.F. if bit is not set,
otherwise NIL
Function: UtKeepVar( <expC1> ) --> Filename
Synopsis: Writes <expC1> to disk and returns a unique
<expC1> a string of any kind.
This Function is very useful in writing saved
screen variables to disk for keeping them there
for the duration of the program so they may be
recalled at a later time. Allows saving quite some
MEMO Fields may be exported into a file for
editing with an external editor.
Just remember to erase the Files. Do this by using
the function uttempclean() as last functioncall in
your program:
Examples: lScrSave := SAVESCREEN( 0,0,20,50 )
lFilename := UtKeepVar( lScrSave )
&& lFilename contains a unique filename where
&& string was written to...
- or -
lFilename := UtKeepVar("this string is written to disk")
Returns: Filename if successfully saved, otherwise empty string
Function: utprofile()
Synopsis: This is a Clipper 5.01 specific re-write of the
profiler included with Blinker 1.5x (originally
written and donated by Frederick W. Stangl,
President of Dynamic Performance Inc.,
Philadelphia, PA).
This version of the profiler was written by Todd
C. MacDonald, Senior Programmer/Analyst of Key
Services Corporation, Albany, NY, and is also
donated to the Blinker community.
This version takes advantage of 5.01's nested
arrays to allow viewing of the profiling
statistics in any user-selectable order.
To invoke the profiler from any wait-state, press
I found this modul so good, I included in the
library for development purposes.
The source-code may be ordered by sending me a SAE
together with US $ 10.00 for postage and handling
and I will provide You with the source on disk;
the code is also available on several good
Bulletin Boards and via COMPUSERVE in the
Nantucket User Forum.
Function: UTSTANDARD() --> integer
Synopsis: returns a color integer for standard setting used
for functions that require it like VIATT() and
The functions writes the string direct to VIDEO
MEMORY and is thus VERY FAST!!! However it doesn't
work in all modes (some graphics modes ). It works
with all video modes using either B000h or B800h
as base address ( e.g. EGA, VGA etc. )
Examples: lColor := UTSTANDARD() && returns standard
&& color integer
lColor := UTSTANDARD()+128 && returns standard
&& color integer
&& and sets the blink
&& attribute
VIPRNT(10,10,"Waiting...!",lColor )
Returns: Integer representing the CLIPPER color number.
Function: UTUNSELECTED() --> integer
Synopsis: Returns a color integer for UNSELECTED setting
used by functions ATT() and PRNT()
Returns: numeric color integer
I have put together a host of videofunctions which are supposed to
help in writing applications which use the peculiarities of the
Video Cards ( VGA, XVGA etc. ) You can buy nowadays and give You
the chance of using higher resolutions and thus more info on the
The provided Videofunctions are all written in Assembler language
and provide direct access to Video Card interrupts.
The functions will make use of documented features of the video
cards and should therefore work for all video cards that are able
to support the screen modes the functions will try to switch to.
The general videofunctions will use the INT10h BIOS call to switch
modes. Following modes are being used:
00h - 13h
The documentation to these modes You may find in the Microsoft
Press series of books. Before You use any of these general
videofunctions make sure that the installed videocard can make use
of the requested modes. Using the general function whilst having a
videocard installed that does not support the requested modes may
however result in the worst case in a System-Lockup ( generally
the functions simply don't work ).
Be aware though that Your Video Card MUST support the display mode
You try to select. Usually the functions just don't do anything
however in some extreme rare cases You may hang the System.
So use the functions wisely.
Function: VIATT( <expN1> .. <expN5>, [<expC1>] ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Change attribute of area of the screen
<expN1>..<expN4> screen coordinates to change
attributes ( top, left, bottom,
right )
<expN5> new attribute to set area to
<expC1> optional character to fill area with
The functions writes the string direct to VIDEO
MEMORY and is thus VERY FAST!!! However it doesn't
work in all modes (some graphics modes ). It works
with all video modes using either B000h or B800h
as base address ( e.g. EGA, VGA etc. )
Examples: VIATT( 10,10,20,60,16,"+" )
Returns : nothing.
Function: VICLS( [<expN>], [<expC>] ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Clears the current screen with optional color and
[<expN>] an optional color-number which is used
to clear the current screen
[<expC>] an optional character which is used.
This is a low level function to clear the screen
and does not depend upon the CLIPPER color scheme.
The numeric color code however is the same that
CLIPPER supports sofar.
Examples: VICLS() && clear screen with
&& current color
VICLS( 48 ) && clear screen black
&& on cyan
VICLS( 48, CHR( 176 ) ) && clear screen
&& black on cyan with
&& character "+"
Returns: Nothing
Function: VICOLGRID( <expN1>, <expN2> )
Synopsis: Draws colored blocks in SETCOLORS() function
<expN1> top row coordinate
<expN2> top left coordinate
The function will draw a number of blocks on the
screen in SETCOLOR() attributes. Used by
MFSETCOLOR() function
Returns: Nothing
Function: VIFADE(<expN1>..<expN4>,<expC1>,<expN5>) --> NIL
Synopsis: Fades a screen variable off the screen
<expN1> .. <expN4> screen coordinates
<expC1> screen variable to fade off the screen
<expN5> time delay to use ( 0 - 20 )
Returns: Nothing
Function: VIGETMODE() --> array
Synopsis: Returns Video System Info
The function will post Video System information
into an array 5 elements long with following
array[1] hex string of current screen mode
array[2] available columns ( integer )
array[3] available rows ( integer )
array[4] current page ( integer )
array[5] 0 for MONO, 1 for COLOR adapter
Examples: lArray := VIGETMODE()
Returns: array if called successfully, otherwise NIL
Function: VIISCGA() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in CGA mode.
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in CGA mode;
otherwise .F.
Function: VIISEGA() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in EGA mode.
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in EGA mode;
otherwise .F.
Function: VIISHERC() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in HERCULES mode.
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in HERCULES mode
otherwise .F.
Function: VIISMCGA() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in MCGA mode.
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in MCGA mode
otherwise .F.
Function: VIISMDA() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in MDA mode
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in MDA mode
otherwise .F.
Function: VIISVGA() --> logical
Synopsis: Checks if active Display is in VGA mode
Returns: .T. active Display Adapter is in VGA mode
otherwise .F.
Function: VIPRNT(<expN1>,<expN2>,<expC1>,<expN3>) --> NIL
Synopsis: Write string to row/col with attribute
<expN1> - row
<expN2> - col
<expC1> - String to write
<expN3> - color attribute of string
The functions writes the string direct to VIDEO
MEMORY and is thus VERY FAST!!! However it doesn't
work in all modes (some graphics modes ). It works
with all video modes using either B000h or B800h
as base address ( e.g. EGA, VGA etc. )
Examples: ViPrnt(10,10,"Hello World",23)
Notes: Does not change cursor location or color setting.
Returns: nothing.
Function: VISETMODE( <expC1> ) --> logical
Synopsis: Sets a video card to specified Mode
<expC1> numeric value (in HEXADECIMAL
notation) representing Mode to set
Video card to
This function is an all around video set function.
It can set a videocard to ANY mode provided it
supports it. If You use this function, first of
all make sure that Your MONITOR supports the new
resolution as some are so high in their display
resolution that they may damage Your monitor if
they are not supported.
Watch out for the resolutions only supported by
MULTISYNC or MULTIFREQUENCY monitors ( they are
generally the high HEX numbers > 20 )
However take care in selecting a mode that works
fine with Your system.
Examples: VISETMODE( "7" ) && sets VGA videocard to
&& mode 07h
VISETMODE( "29" ) && sets VGA card with
&& ET4000
&& into 800x600 graphics mode
VISETMODE( "53" ) && sets VGA card with
&& TVGA 8900
&& into 132x25 textmode
Returns: .T. if called successfully, otherwise .F.
Function: VISLIDEOFF( ) --> NIL
Synopsis: Slides a screen variable off the screen
<expN1> .. <expN4> Screen coordinates to slide off
<expC1> variable containing the saved screen
<expN5> speed of slide..........>
The function will slide a saved screen area off
the screen. Use a function that saves the screen
area first. Then use the slider....
Returns: Nothing